October 2017

October 2017 "Dearly Beloved" Articles

Dearly Beloved 10/31/17 "Where Do We Turn for Truth"

Where Do We Turn for Truth?

Dearly beloved, do we wake up one morning to flashing lights and hear a voice that says, “Voomba, voomba . . . this is truth”? Of course not! To learn we must have a reference for truth outside of ourselves. This is true regardless of our field of study.

The things of God are spiritual matters. As with any branch of learning, if we are to learn we will first have to determine what we will use as our source, our authority for truth.

When it comes to spiritual matters, will our reference be the teachings of theology, religion, history, tradition, denominational doctrine, archeology, philosophy, a scholar’s theory, our opinions and preconceived ideas, or experiences? The source we utilize as our reference will determine what we believe.

Every one of these references for learning begins with man – not God. They express what they think about God from their point of view, not what God reveals about spiritual matters from His point of view.

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Dearly Beloved 10/30/17 "Is Death the Entrance to Life?"

Is Death the Entrance to Life?

Dearly beloved saints, all living people have “the breath of life”, but when they take their last breath they lose this life. Death is the loss of life. It is when man ceases to live, to cease to exist. Death is the opposite of living.

“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” Genesis 3:19

Adam was to return to the ground, not to heaven.

“His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day, his thoughts perish”. Psalms 146:4

When a man breathes his last breath, he dies. This is the natural end of every human being. Upon death, man returns to the earth and he decomposes.

“Return, O LORD, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies’ sake. For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?” Psalms 6:4 and 5

There is no memory in the grave, nor can we give God thanks from it. There is no communion with God in the grave. The psalmist did not want to die. He asked God to deliver and save him from death. If salvation occurs at death, why would he pray for deliverance from it?

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Dearly Beloved 10/30/17 "Are the Dead Alive Today?"

Are the Dead Alive Today?

Dearly beloved of God, God instructed Israel with His Word about spiritualism (the belief that the dead are alive and can communicate with us today) in order that they would not be seduced by it.

“When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn.” Isaiah 8:19 and 20 NIV

God tells us that consulting mediums and spiritists is not inquiring of the One True God. If they do not say what the Word of God says, they do not have light; they have darkness. How do we know that they are counterfeits? The testimony of God’s Word reveals it; it separates truth from false doctrines. Read Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6 and 27.

The dead are dead according to the Word of God. If people believed the Word of God concerning death, they could not be seduced into believing that the dead are alive and that they can communicate with the living. They would realize that they were being duped by devil spirits in a séance.

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Dearly Beloved 10/29/17 "Who Do We Listen To?"

Who Do We Listen To?

Dearly beloved, “Where there is no knowledge of God the people wander aimlessly.” This is as true today as the day it was written.

All scripture came from the mouth of God and it is profitable, at least according to Him. It carries great profit and fully equips us for whatever may arise in life.

God revealed His Word to us and He wants us to respond to Him with believing; yet some think that it is better to share their “spiritual” experiences, or they gather to hear some new thing; anything in search of a different feeling. Experiences are no guarantee for truth, beloved.

Nothing can replace the accuracy and integrity of God’s Word and the truths it communicates to us for godly profit. By His divine power God gave us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that called us by His own glory and virtue. God’s Word reveals His will and purposes.

God says that He does not want us ignorant of spiritual matters; then why would anyone choose to remain ignorant since answers are available?

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Dearly Beloved 10/28/17 "Good Ministers of Jesus Christ"

Good Ministers of Jesus Christ

Dearly beloved, every one of God’s children should be good ministers of Jesus Christ. As we apply ourselves in the secular realm so that we can provide services in our chosen fields, we should also apply ourselves in the spiritual realm to learn what we received in Christ so that we can provide services to people as good ministers of Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus told his disciples, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father.”

Did he say this for the benefit of a handful of men for only the span of their lifetimes, or, did he mean what he said: “He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater than these shall he do; BECAUSE I go to the Father”? As we read the Church Epistles we find that the latter is true; all who are in Christ can do these things because he went to the Father.

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Dearly Beloved 10/26/17 "Like Father, Like Child"

Like Father, Like Child

Dearly beloved, when we were born-again of God’s spirit we received the nature of our Father. This new nature enables us to manifest His ability that is born within us, and to love as He loves. We are partakers of His Divine nature!

The love of God was shed abroad in our hearts by the holy spirit that was given unto us; now we can be imitators of God as His dear children, and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us. The love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation in our lives is the magnet that draws others to us.

The love of God is nothing like the love of man. The world offers power, money, scholasticism, success, recognition, achievement, eroticism, and other fleshly attractions, but none of these can satisfy the human heart.

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Dearly Beloved 10/25/17 "The Purpose of the Ages"

The Purpose of the Ages

Dearly beloved, there have been times that my wife has shared her mail with me, like a birthday card, or a note from a child in fellowship, or from a mutual friend. Reading her mail is nice, but it is not the same as receiving a personal letter to me from a loved one. The same is true with the Word of God.

We can learn much from the Old Testament scriptures, but the love letters that our Father addresses to us are out of this world! The letters of Romans through II Thessalonians concern you and me; us.

The revelation in Romans begins with man’s natural condition in the flesh, dead in sins, guilty before God, hopeless, and then by the believing of Jesus Christ, God reveals how He justified us from sin freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus; Jesus was the full payment for the remission of sins that are past. We learn that we died and were raised with Christ!

Ephesians doesn’t begin with our depravity and hopeless condition in the flesh, it begins with who we are in Christ. God our Father has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm in Christ. We are chosen in him, holy and without blame in him; in love the Father determined we would have sonship in him, and He determined all of this by the good pleasure of His will. He highly favored us in Christ, and on it goes.

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Dearly Beloved 10/24/17 "Let's Talk About YOU"

Let’s Talk About YOU

Dearly beloved, I have heard so much about you. I heard that you are God’s masterpiece created in Christ Jesus. You received the promise of the Father and were baptized with the gift of the holy spirit; you have power from on high. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. You have the spirit of Him that raised Christ from the dead dwelling in you. You are God’s habitation, His dwelling place.

You were conformed to the image of His Son (spirit); he is the firstborn and you are one of his many brethren. His spirit witnesses to your inner being that you are a child of the Living God; He is your Father! You are a new man in Christ and have access to your Father by the spirit of sonship.

You were freely justified by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Your sins were remitted, forgiven by the riches of His grace. You have access into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

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Dearly Beloved 10/22/17 "The Unity from the Spirit"

The Unity from the Spirit

Dearly beloved, the spirit of sonship is the common denominator in each of us in the body of Christ. We have the spirit of Him that raised Christ from the dead born within us. That spirit is the earnest, the down payment, of our future inheritance until the redemption of the acquisition (you and I), unto the praise of His glory.

We each have the same God Who is our Father, the same Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the same holy spirit that is born in each of us.

Beloved, what God did in Christ is what makes our unity: it is unity from the Spirit; it is a God made unity. It has nothing to do with manmade groups that we make, or join. There are seven points to the unity that God made in Christ.

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Dearly Beloved 10/22/17 "What's It All About?"

What’s It All About?

Dearly beloved, what is this age all about? What is the distinguishing mark that separates it from the Old Testament? People expected a Messiah, a deliver or redeemer for some four thousand years before the birth of Jesus Christ. What did they expect he would bring them?

People talk about salvation today, but relatively few understand what is available to them. The Lord Jesus taught throughout his ministry explaining what his work meant and what it would make available.

He taught that to see and to enter the kingdom of God one must be born again, which literally means, to be begotten from above. Christ would make a seed available so that people could be born of God’s seed and enter the kingdom of God.

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Dearly Beloved 10/21/17 "Yesterday, Tomorrow and Today"

Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today

Dearly beloved, yesterday is dead and gone, and tomorrow has not yet been born; today is the only day that we can live.

The past is dead and gone; it cannot be brought back to life, yet I know folks who hold on to that corpse of time as though it yet lives. We all attended its funeral, remember?

If we are to live abundantly today, we must let go of the past and leave it buried in its grave. It is history now; not life. For better or worse, the past is past. Beloved, forget those things which are behind, and reach forth unto those things which are before us.

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Dearly Beloved 10/20/17 "Who Would Have Thought?"

Who Would Have Thought?

Who would have imagined that we would share anything with Christ?

Jesus Christ took our place as our substitute to pay for sin and its consequences. He died for us, that is, in our stead, so that we did not have to die to pay for the condemnation of sin. This is tremendous revelation, but there is much more!

If we are to live a more abundant life, there is another aspect of his work that we must understand. This aspect of redemption concerns what we share with Christ. We share with Christ in his achievements. This aspect describes our union or identification with Christ. We fully share with him in the effects of his accomplishments.

Our union with Christ in his crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, his seating in the heavenlies, and glorification are the very pinnacle of revelation to the Church.

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Dearly Beloved 10/19/17 "Free or Captive?"

Free or Captive?

Dearly beloved, there is no other standard for truth other than the Word of God. Truth does not originate from the mind of man; from universities, nor political parties or governments; it comes from God. Freedom is a byproduct of the truth.

God was willing to lead those that He created, but they rejected Him. He was willing to bless people after the fall, but it got to the place that their thoughts were only evil continually, so He worked with Noah who listened and obeyed. Later He was willing to be Israel’s God, but they wanted their own king like all the nations that had walked away from Him. Their kings did not follow God and their kingdoms failed and ended up splitting. It got so bad they were defeated and led into captivity. When the Lord Jesus was born there had not been a man of God in Israel for 400 years.

Whenever people reject God, captivity is all that remains, whether individually or collectively as nations.

While it is yet day, speak the Word of Truth. It is the only thing that can make people free. Throughout history, whenever people have turned to God, He has been faithful to deliver them.

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Dearly Beloved 10/18/17 "The Limitless Possibillities of Love"

The Limitless Possibilities of Love

Dearly beloved, everything our Father did for us in Christ, He did because of His great love for us.

God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son to become our Father. He made the commitment to care for us as His own from that moment on; to care for us as His dearly beloved.

We can learn a lot about love from our Father and His wonderful Son. Love was was their motivation in all they have done for us and continue to do.

Before I knew that love, my life was empty, meaningless. The love of God healed my heart; it filled that void. Since that time, His love continues to heal the deeply cutting wounds left by hurt, time after time after time.

Beloved, when we come to experientially know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, we are filled with all the fullness of God.

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Dearly Beloved 10/17/17 "What is Today's Forecast"

What is Today’s Forecast?

Dearly beloved, what kind of day will today be?

It’s a day filled with God’s active love for us. A day that He will hear the prayer of the righteous. A day that His eyes run to and from searching for those that believe Him so that He can deliver them. A day that He will confirm His Word with signs, miracles, and wonders. It’s a day that He will work for good in all things for those who love Him. It’s a day that He cares for us and that He is distracted for our cares. A day that He will energize the power of His spirit in us. A day that His spirit witnesses to our inner being that we are His and He is ours. A day that we have unrestricted access to our Heavenly Father. A day we can enjoy every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm in Christ. It’s a day that He will not forsake us or ever, ever leave us. It’s just another day that we can walk and talk with our Heavenly Father.

It’s another day we can walk in the presence of God and have Him watch our back, have Him work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure, a day to do those things that please Him. A day we can worship Him in spirit and in truth. It’s a day He is willing to open the eyes of our understanding so we can know and believe His Word. It’s a day that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. It’s a day that He is our sufficiency in all things. It’s a day we can walk in His great grace and mercy. It’s a more than conqueror day in Christ who loved us!

It could be the day He sends His Son back for us to gather us unto Him!

All in all, beloved, I’d say it’s looking like a pretttttty good day!

Dearly Beloved 10/16/17 "Settled Science"

Settled Science

Let’s talk about settled science and the consensus view, dearly beloved. Pick a subject, the origin of the universe and the big bang theory, creation, the origin of life, Darwin’s theory of the origin of the species (or evolution), or global warming; what is “settled science”?

The consensus view comes from those that control the conversation and hold the power over scientists that simply seek intellectual honesty; the power to give grants, the power of funding, the power to grant or deny tenure, and character assassination.

To get to scientific truth today is more like a course on dealing with the adversary than it is pure scientific discovery. You cannot mention God, much less believe in Him, if you are to be taken seriously in the scientific community today, but, you can boldly witness your atheistic world view without argument or fear of retribution.

There is never a conflict between true, proven science and the truth of the Word of God. The same God who instituted the laws that govern the universe also gave us His Word. Both are expressions of His Will and Design.

God is a supernatural power. Whether we are considering creation, salvation, answered prayer, His deliverance from incurable diseases, miracles, resurrection, eternal life, the revealing of His Word or the laws of nature, God is the supernatural force behind all of them.

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Dearly Beloved 10/15/17 "The Purpose of His Calling"

The Purpose of His Calling

Dearly beloved, why did God call us? The word call means “to call, to invite, to summons.” We know that God, "would have all men to be saved and come unto a knowledge of the truth." He extends His invitation to all men, but not all choose to accept it.

He reveals, “that all things work together for good to them that love God, who are called according to His purpose, for whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.” He called us according to His purpose. What was that purpose?

Jesus Christ was the firstborn among many brethren; we were called to be born-again, born as his brethren.

After his resurrection and ascension, Christ was made a life-giving spirit, Christ in you the hope of glory. We were conformed to that image when we were born again, and we will conformed to him in glory; we will have glorious bodies like his.

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Dearly Beloved 10/14/17 "Free Indeed"

Free Indeed

Dearly beloved, stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ made us free. Christ made the liberty; we are to stand fast in it. It’s a past tense accomplishment; Christ was the end of the law for righteousness. We ARE free in him. Instead of struggling to be free, Jesus Christ made us the Lord’s freemen.

Unfortunately, beloved, not many know, and far less believe who they are in Christ. They have no idea of their liberty in Christ.

This freedom is not subject to government controls, it cannot be stopped by man’s laws or enforced by his courts. Political parties are not its source. Race and nationality have nothing to do with it; It knows no prejudices. It is spiritual liberty which is greater than any liberty that man can promise us. This liberty makes you free indeed; we can walk with the Living God and His resurrected Son. .

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Dearly Beloved 10/13/17 "The Cure for this World's Sickness"

The Cure for this World’s Sickness

Christ is coming back, dearly beloved. In the twinkling of an eye we will see him and we will be as he is! Such grace!

There is nothing here for those of us who love God and who endeavor to live godly in Christ Jesus. Evil men and seducers will only get worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived; but we will continue in those things that we have learned and have been assured of knowing of whom we have learned them.

Until then we must continue to hold the hope in our hearts with great anticipation and expectation. The reason that our Father called us was so we could obtain the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hide this high calling in your heart every day.

For us there is no question of who we are in Christ; we rejoice in hope of receiving the glory of God! Christ Jesus our Lord was the first born from the dead and whether we are alive when he returns, or we have fallen asleep, we will live together and be glorified together with him. Rejoice!!

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Dearly Beloved 10/12/17 "How Forgiven Are You?"

How Forgiven Are You?

Dearly beloved, does God hold your past sins over your head? Does He throw them in your face to humble you?

“Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” (Isaiah 40:1, 2)

Does this mean that the Lord will count Israel’s sins twice to make her guiltier? No, this is an Eastern idiom that was commonly used in their culture. The sentence before the expression, “double for all her sins”, says that “her iniquity is pardoned” so it cannot mean that God will count them twice as much.

In Eastern lands during the times that the Bible was written, if you went bankrupt, for example, the elders would post a statement of your debts at the entrance to the town and it would remain posted until all of your creditors were paid in full. Everyone would see it and know of your debts. The situation would be quite embarrassing; you would be shamed and everyone in town would know about it.

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Dearly Beloved 10/11/17 "The Goodness of God for All Times"

The Goodness of God for All Times

Dearly beloved, the goodness of God transcends every age. “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”

He will not withhold anything that is good from us. The goodness of God is ours for all times; from creation to salvation to the time we will receive our hope in Christ Jesus our Lord, to the unending age of glory that lies beyond.

God really does say what He means and He means what He says. He gave us His Word; it is the revelation of His will, and He is true and faithful to it.

“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled [deceived] Eve through his subtilty [cunning, guile, deviousness, craftiness], so your minds [noema: the thinking, that which is thought out, a product of the mind referring to the purposes, designs, and schemes of the thinking process] should be corrupted [phtheiro: to spoil, corrupt; bring into a worse state] from the simplicity [haplotes: singleness, integrity, simplicity] that is in Christ.”

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Dearly Beloved 10/10/17 "Whose Lamb is Better?"

Whose Lamb is Better?

Dearly beloved, when Israel put the blood of their lamb on their doorposts and lintel, and God saw it, the destroyer passed over their home, while the first born of the Egyptians and of the animals all died. Eating the Passover Lamb and spreading its blood on their door posts brought them immediate deliverance from slavery and physical healing.

The Lord Jesus was our Passover Lamb. The Lord Jesus instructed his followers to remember what he accomplished in his suffering and death. The cup represents what he accomplished for our forgiveness of sins. The bread represents the suffering he endured to accomplish our physical healing.

When Israel ate the first Passover, at least two and a half million people left the bondage of Egypt without one feeble person among them the next morning. Is our Lamb inferior to theirs? Jesus Christ was the Lamb of God and he was every bit as valuable as their lamb.

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Dearly Beloved 10/9/17 "He Does Not Change"

He Does Not Change

Dearly beloved, just who are you? You are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus. You are as he is! You are complete in him who is the head of all principality and power. God, His Father and ours, freely gives us all things with him. When you decide to believe who you are in Christ it’s a new day.

When we have the eyes of our understanding enlightened by the revelation of God’s Word and we believe who we are in Christ it is transformative. That which was latent within you suddenly becomes manifest and your walk with him becomes one of power, love, and deliverance. The power that we received from on high in the new birth is ours to give; we can give such as we have. It will turn the world upside down as we reach out in love and touch another person with it.

There may have been times in our lives that we got tricked to think that as great as God is, we were just not worth His trouble to deliver us, or our believing wasn’t good enough to be delivered, or some past sin may have prevented us from getting delivered, or some other lie.

Beloved, God is only as small in our lives as we make him. He is the Lord God Almighty; nothing is too hard for Him! Why would we limit Him as if He was incapable or unwilling to help us when He says He is willing and able to deliver us? Do we put Him in a box of our own making and limit our expectations of Him?

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Dearly Beloved 10/6/17 "Walking on Resurrection Ground"

Walking on Resurrection Ground

Dearly beloved, I lied; here is one more I squeaked out to hold you over; it’s really a P.S. to the last one.

The man lame from birth that Peter and John healed, could be healed because God raised Jesus from the dead and poured out His spirit to men.

Peter said it wasn’t by his own power or holiness that they made this man to walk. It wasn’t because they were so special but because God enabled them the same as he enabled all who are born-again.

They witnessed the resurrection and they preached the resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead, and they taught about his return.

“But those things, which God before had showed by the mouth of all His prophets, that Christ should suffer, He hath so fulfilled. Repent therefore, and be converted that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; and He shall send Christ Jesus, which before was preached unto you: whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.”

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Dearly Beloved 10/5/17 "Was He Really the One to Come?"

Was He Really the One to Come?

Dearly beloved, we should have no doubt that Jesus was the one to come, the one that would restore all that Adam lost: spirit life, dominion over the works of God’s hands, paradise, access to the tree of life, and life in the presence and goodness of God and His Son forever. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Redeemer.

What is our evidence that Jesus is the Lord and Christ? The obvious proof is that God raised him from the dead, the same as He raised Jonah after three days and three nights, and of which Isaac was a parable; but there is much, much more that proves who he was and that he accomplished all that was said of him.

All the prophets foretold his coming; who he would be, what he would do, where he would come from, they set the parameters of the time that he would come, and why he was to come.

Enoch prophesied, “The Lord cometh.” Abraham looked forward to his day. Balaam said that the shout of a king was among them, he would have dominion, and the Lord would be with him. He said a star (Messiah) would rise out of Jacob, and a scepter (for leader) shall rise out of Israel that would smite their enemies. Moses said he would be a prophet like him. David said he would sit on his throne forever as king. Hebrews says that he is a priest after the order of Melchisedec. Isaiah says he is the righteous branch; the man, the servant, the king, the offspring of Jehovah the son of God. He would be the Passover Lamb. The tabernacle was a portrait of his person and work. He was the one that fulfilled the Law and the Prophets, their feasts foretold his accomplishments, and so much more. He is the great subject of the Word of God.

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Dearly Beloved 10/5/17 "Oh, What a Day"

Oh, What A Day

Dearly beloved, just think, these are the last days before Christ returns. He is the only solution to the depravity and evil of this world. I’m glad we won’t be here when it spirals into the wrath of God in the Lord’s Day.

We will be snatched out of harm’s way before that day arrives. We will be at rest before the King of kings and Lord of lords comes to the earth to judge and make war.

This will not occur until after he shall have come to be glorified in his saints (those whom he sanctified by his holy spirit), and to be admired by all who have believed in him.

With his vast power he will fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of believing, so that his name may be glorified in you and you may be glorified in him according to the grace of our God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Dearly Beloved 10/4/17 "Basackwards or Fully Persuaded?"

Basackwards or Fully Persuaded?

Do we really have the right perspective, dearly beloved? “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” At times we may think that we must convince God to love us, while He is trying to get us to believe that He does.

At times we may beg Him not to condemn us, while He declares there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. We may plead with Him to forgive us, while He sent his Son to die for us and He forgives us by the riches of His grace. Do we beseech Him to heal us, while He says we were healed by the stripes laid on His Son? Do we implore Him to prosper us, while He says to acknowledge that He is the source of our sufficiency and He will supply our every need?

Why do we struggle at times to believe what He says? Because our adversary constantly orchestrates situations to tempt us not to believe Him, but instead to walk by our senses. He is a liar and a deceiver and his strategy is to convince us to believe what the situation dictates rather than what God says. He works arduously to make us double minded and doubt that God is faithful to His Word.

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Dearly Beloved 10/3/17 "It's a Good Fight"

It’s a Good Fight

Dearly beloved, our spiritual fight is real; it is not a game. This fight isn’t won with fists, guns, or knives; it is fought with spiritual power.

We must clothe ourselves with the whole armor of God so we can stand against the strategies of the devil. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the real rulers of this world; wicked spirits in the heavenly realm.

Our adversary wants to kill us and steal the goodness of God from us, and he tries to destroy whoever he can. Every saint is in this fight whether they arm themselves with the whole armor of God or they don’t; just read the first two chapters of Job if you want to know how evil he is and how good our God is.

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Dearly Beloved 10/2/17 "Get In Sync"

Get In Sync

Dearly beloved, our Father cares how we think, and so does our adversary.

The old serpent wants to corrupt our thinking so that we do not think like sons of God with power.

We know what corrupt means, don’t we? Bodies corrupt in death, bribed politicians are corrupt, people like Bernie Madoff who lie and cheat people are corrupt, food spoils and corrupts. To corrupt means to spoil, like food becomes rancid. It brings into a worse state. Our adversary wants our thinking to corrupt; he wants to bring it into a worse state so we do not believe who we are in Christ.

He deceives people from God’s truth by every means at his disposal. He labors to get people to conform to his way of thinking; to his ideas, ideas by which he deceives this age, and in their ignorance they esteem and applaud them in their ignorance.

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Dearly Beloved 10/1/17 "Never Doubt It"

Never Doubt It

Dearly beloved, you are the apple of our Father’s eye, His pearl of great price, the lost coin of the ten pieces of silver (a family heirloom) that she searched for until it was found; the lost child of the Forgiving Father, which is now found. You are most definitely His dearly beloved and highly favored one in Christ.

He is always with you and constantly accessible; use it with boldness and confidence. Go to Him with believing. You are His dearly beloved; His child. Seek Him with your whole heart.

Cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you. Pray always with all prayer in the spirit and stay at it until you have the answer you need. Be confident that you will most certainly receive when you ask according to His Will. When you pray, pray with believing confidence knowing that you received and you shall have.

Walk with your Father by believing and walk by the spirit. He will never leave you or forsake you so go to His throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time of need.

He seated you in Christ as holy and without blame before Him in love; never doubt His love for you. He saved you, gave you sonship by His spirit, made you alive together with Christ, and wants to spend the ages to come with you; never doubt His great love for you.

You are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus on the basis of his good works, that we may walk therein.

You are beloved in His sight; never doubt it. Love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength: He is your Father dearly beloved. If there is any question about it just speak in tongues; you have the proof.

He sent His Son for you and he gave his life for you because of His great love for you. He is sending His Son back for you to share eternity with Him; that’s how much He loves you. He called you to obtain the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ – that’s how much He loves you. Never doubt it.

Dearly Beloved 10/26/17 "Two Sides of the Same Coin"

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Dearly beloved, we are no less subject to the sufferings of this present time than our Lord was, or those before him. We overcome them the same way that they did, by believing God.

On the one side of the coin we have circumstances and situations that confront us; some dire. On the other side we have the promise of God. The two seldom agree; as a matter of fact, the situations can be very intimidating, and even appear to be insurmountable.

God’s promise to Abraham of the birth of a son could have seemed impossible when he was about 100 years old. Moses leading the children of Israel out of captivity from the most powerful nation on earth at that time may have seemed overwhelming, but God gave him the job. Mary was a young virgin woman when God gave her the promise that she would bear the only begotten Son of God by Divine conception.

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