October 2017

Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today

Dearly beloved, yesterday is dead and gone, and tomorrow has not yet been born; today is the only day that we can live.

The past is dead and gone; it cannot be brought back to life, yet I know folks who hold on to that corpse of time as though it yet lives. We all attended its funeral, remember?

If we are to live abundantly today, we must let go of the past and leave it buried in its grave. It is history now; not life. For better or worse, the past is past. Beloved, forget those things which are behind, and reach forth unto those things which are before us.

We can't walk victoriously with our Lord if the memory of past sins, failures, and devilish doubts haunts us; hide God's Word in your heart; it will heal your broken heart. If we hide resentments there, a root of bitterness will take root and it will choke the Word and we will become unfruitful. Remember who our Father says we are in Christ. Dwell on what Christ did for us and is in us.

Others let tomorrow control them by worrying about things that have not yet happened and likely never will. Why give an imaginary master such power over you? Don’t be distracted for tomorrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. God will be our sufficiency in all the things of tomorrow, the same as He was yesterday.

Today is all there is. Prepare yourself for today with prayer and involve your Father in it. “Father, what can I do for you today?” Then, beloved, give it your all; leave nothing on the table. Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Walk with our Father by believing what He says, not by sight.

We will never have the present again, so use it wisely. Redeem the time because the days are evil. Walk circumspectly as wise men. Live with singleness of heart as unto Christ; not with eye service as men pleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with good will doing service as to the Lord, and not to men.

We are the Lord’s dearly beloved. We walk before Him and we will stand before Him at the Bema. Be fervent in the spirit today serving the Lord.

Live love and be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another. Be diligent in business; continue instant in prayer and rejoice in hope; this could be the day He returns.

Before you turn the lights off tonight, give the day to the Father and thank Him for taking care of ALL your needs; cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you. Ask Him for a good night's sleep and for Him to strengthen you for tomorrow's work. That is the end of today; when we awake it will be another yesterday, so give today your all.

Beloved, the burdens of the past, mixed with future anxieties, added to today’s challenges are too much for anyone to bear, but, we can all live one day at a time. Live it to His glory and live love!