November 2020
Walter Hernandez: Gerald Wrenn's post
Has God Changed?
Dearly beloved of God, our God is no smaller today than He was in the beginning, or in Old Testament times, or in the gospel era, or in the book of Acts. He said, “For I am the LORD, I change not….” The only thing too small is our believing of what He says.
God means what He says, and He says what He means. The greatest secret in the world today is that the Word of God is the Will of God.
God’s Word reveals His Will. We don’t have to guess about God’s Will; we can know that we know, that we know it. His Word is His Will. His Word is truth and it works every time it is believed.
If people would walk out on the Word of God they would see a Living God at work performing His Word. They would see signs, miracles, and wonders. They would see God’s deliverance in their lives.
God is the same today in the 21st century as He was in the 1st century. If God is the same, then what has changed? People’s believing of God’s Word has changed. Either people have not been taught the truth of the Word of God, or once they know it, they are apathetic.
When we believe God at His Word we will witness signs, miracles, and wonders. I have never seen a great movement of God’s Word without them. They are manifestations of the power of God and they substantiate the truth of His Word.
In the First Century Church, the Apostle Paul went to Ephesus and he found about twelve men. He taught them about the kingdom of God and led them into the manifestations of the holy spirit. He spoke boldly for the space of two years and three months so that all Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks under his ministry.
They turned the world upside down as they spoke the Word of God and believingly obeyed His voice.
God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul and people were delivered; they were healed of diseases, and evil spirits went out of them.
So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed; it prevailed over every obstacle they faced, and the obstacles were not a few!
The manifestations of Believing, Miracles, and Gifts of Healings are manifestations of the power of God at work in His people. The absence of these in the Church has caused people to doubt, and understandably so, the truth and reliability of God’s Word.
Miracles are the supernatural proof demonstrated in the sense’s realm of God’s ability and willingness to perform His Word. A miracle is an instantaneous, supernatural manifestation of God’s power in the natural realm. Page after page of the Bible are covered with them. They are the norm, not the exception when God’s people believe Him.
The Lord Jesus Christ said “…He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12
This is what he said, so what is the will of God, dearly beloved? Jesus Christ performed miracle after miracle. He healed the sick, cast out devil spirits, and raised the dead. He that believes on Jesus Christ can do the works he did and greater – he said so, so believe it. This is His Will concerning us.
The new birth is the greatest miracle of all miracles; it is in the category of “greater works than these” of which Jesus Christ spoke.
The new birth takes people who were dead in sin, and the moment they confess Jesus as Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead they are saved; they receive the gift of holy spirit and are sealed for eternal life.
“He, therefore, who supplies the spirit to you and works miracles among you, [is it done] by works of the law or by hearing to the end of believing? Galatians 3:5 WTJ
We can minister the complete new birth reality to people and work miracles, dearly beloved, as we walk by believing God at His Word.
What changed Peter from being a vacillating disciple to a mighty man of God? What changed Paul from the 1st century church's greatest enemy, to its greatest advocate? Being born again of God’s spirit changed them!
Once they were born again and they believed who they were in Christ and what was theirs in him, and they boldly witnessed the Word of God.
How far and fast do you want to go with God, dearly beloved? We do not have less of an opportunity to walk with God today than they had. God’s Word builds believing and believing is the key to walking with God.
We can receive the Word of God from God; it is God speaking. We can believe it and renew our minds to it. We can then walk out on what it says with boldness, and God will bring it to pass.
The reality of God in our lives is always a greater reality than the senses reality we face. It is not who we are, but who He is that is important. All we need to do is believe Him, to take Him at His Word.
Dearly beloved, God has not changed! He is the same today as He was in the times of the First Century Church that we read of in the book of Acts. He will fulfill His Word as we walk in His power. Take His Word for it, dearly beloved.