November 2020
Rise Up Against the Corruption
Dearly beloved of God, the corruption in our political system is stunning, but it does not begin to compare with the corruption of the scriptures concerning spiritual matters.
Where do we begin? Let's start with the truth that there are two gods, not one. There is the One True and Living God, who is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the other is called Satan or the Devil.
Not understanding that there are two gods results in blaming the One True God for all that Satan does to kill, steal, and destroy people's lives.
Another prevalent misconception in Christianity stems from the corruption of who God the Father is, and who the Son of God is.
We understand the difference between a Father and a Son when it comes to human relationships, but we seem to be at a loss when applying the same good sense in understanding spiritual matters.
Who is Jesus Christ and what did he accomplish? The Scriptures are clear on this subject. What we think of him and what he accomplished will determine our success when it comes to understanding spiritual matters, and living a life that is more than abundant.
Salvation is another subject of which the truth has been corrupted. God reveals to us that today salvation is by the grace of God, not by our good works, yet many do not understand such a foundational truth as this. Romans 10:9 states, that if you confess Jesus as Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead you will be saved.
Another subject that has been utterly corrupted is the subject of death. When it comes to the subject of life and death we understand that when a baby is born he is alive, but somehow when a person dies we fail to understand the state of death. Death is a loss of life; it is not the portal to life in some other realm.
The corruption in this field makes people susceptible to spiritism, and spiritualism. The Bible clearly reveals the truth concerning death, resurrection life, and the gathering together of the Church by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Where did the belief come from that when a person loses their life that they pass over to life in another realm? The Word of God clearly reveals all there is to know on this subject; it gives us the answers we so desperately need.
The only release from the state of death will be by the Lord Jesus Christ when he returns; not at the moment of death. He said, "I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also." He never said that we will go to him upon death..
That brings us to the crux of the problem of all of this corruption, that is, understanding the Word of God. The Word of God reveals the Will of God.
Failure to understand that the Word of God interprets itself is at the source of all the corruption and the misconceptions in Christianity.
If we are to understand spiritual matters we must allow God’s Word to speak for itself. The Bible means what it says, and it says what it means, to whom it is speaking, where it is written, concerning the times of which it speaks.
It interprets itself either in the verse where it is written, or in its context, or where the identical subject has been previously mentioned in the scriptures.
Within the verse we must understand the biblical usage of the words used in the verse, figures of speech, and expressions that were particular to the lands and times in which the Scriptures were written (Orientalisms).
The Word of God comes from the mouth of God. It is not any man’s place to put words in God’s mouth. Believing comes by hearing, by hearing the Word of God.
God gave us His Word to make His Will known to us. He does not want us to be ignorant concerning spiritual matters, yet how ignorant so many have been. They are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
We use words to communicate; so does God. Since God gave His Word to reveal His Will to us, we should expect that He gave it in such a way that accurately expresses His thoughts utilizing the laws of grammar and speech. He gave His Word to reveal His Will, not to hide it from us.
The Scriptures, not the thoughts and ideas in the mind of the interpreter, are our only authority for truth when it comes to spiritual matters.
Dearly beloved, rise up against the corruption, and study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Get the Word of God from the mouth of God Himself. His Word is the truth, and it will make you free. His disciples are those who continue in the Word of God, dearly beloved.