June 2020

Members of the Body of Christ

Dearly beloved of God, congratulations for being accepted for membership in the body of Christ. You now stand before God in Christ. You are now a son of God, and that is quite an elite standing.

In this body there is equality among its members. There is no superiority of some members while others are treated as inferior. Each and every member stands before God in Christ without any other trial or evaluation. All members are wholly acceptable in Christ. There is no segregation among our members.4

I would like to go over some of our membership by-laws with you.

In Christ, each member of this illustrious body is called, saved, redeemed, forgiven our past sins by the riches of His grace which He abounded to us.

Every member is justified, and there is no more condemnation to those in Christ. In Christ, we all stand before God without any sense of sin, guilt, or condemnation, and we are holy and without blame before the Father in love.

Every member is sealed with the spirit of sonship, and has access to the Father by the spirit, and we are sanctified.

Every member of the body of Christ have a share in the inheritance of the saints in the Light, and we will be glorified with Christ when he calls us up on high.

Every member is dearly beloved by the Father, and in the Beloved Son we are highly favored.

This membership entitles us to the full privileges of fellowship with the Father, His Son, and with one another. Every member is entitled to fullness of joy!

Christ Jesus the Lord is the head of the Church, which is the body of Christ, the fullness of him that fills all in all. Every member is complete in Christ. We are many members, but one body.

In this body we must never forget that our membership is comprised of Judeans and Gentiles, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarians, Scythians, servants, and free people. There are males and females, wives, husbands, parents, and children. There are young people and aged ones, widows, mature and immature ones, leaders and followers, babes in Christ and people with gift ministries, but we are all members of the same body of Christ.

In this body we love one another and out of that love we make allowances for the differences among our members. We forbear one another in love, and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us. He loved to the furthest extent possible. Let us have the same care for one another.

Let us not walk like the Corinthians who belonged to different factions and who were carnally minded. We should not measure ourselves by ourselves or compare ourselves to one another. As we have received Christ Jesus the lord, so walk in him.

Let the Lord do the judging, and let us do the walking in love towards one another.

Let us walk in love as Christ walked, think in the same manner as he thought, and serve as he served and gave himself for us.

Let us speak like he spoke; speaking loving things, edifying things, things which make for peace, which encourages, and comforts; fitly spoken words that heal, unite, and lift people up.

Oh how I want to go to fellowship with folks who walk in the love of God towards one another! Who would not want to be around a fellowship like this?

Dearly beloved, when the mystery concerning Christ lives in us in practice we will think of one another and treat one another in terms of who we are in Christ, and walk in love towards each other.

Let us line up our practice with the doctrine of the gospel of God concerning Christ and walk worthy of the calling to which we were called.

We are going to spend eternity together, so we might as well love one another now and enjoy the benefits as members of the body of Christ as our hope draws nigh.

Let us dedicate ourselves to the good pleasure of the Father’s will, and do those things that please Him. Let us live unto the praise of His glory, dearly beloved. Welcome to the body!