July 2020
Take His Word For It
Dearly beloved of God, from the new birth to our hope of glory we have God’s Word that all of it will come to pass as He has spoken. He does not lie as men do. He is trustworthy and His Word is true and faithful. We can take His Word for it.
Our Father comforts and encourages us with His every Word. He works in us by His spirit and gives us messages from His heart to ours in believers meetings to lift us up on high.
We are born of His spirit, saved, justified, forgiven, sanctified, redeemed, and our Father assures us that we will be glorified together with Christ.
We died with Christ, we were buried with him, risen with him, sat down in the heavenlies with him, and we will be gathered up to meet him in the air at his coming. Rejoice.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the prince of peace and he gave us peace that the world does not know. We have peace on the inside, in our hearts.
Don't be discouraged by the things of this evil world; you will not be disappointed in your expectations of the things of God.
All that we have - every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm is ours in Christ and they are ours by his accomplishments, not ours. We receive everything from God by His grace by believing, not by our works.
We have the entrance into the Kingdom of God by the new birth spirit. Now we have access to the throne of grace, and we are encouraged by the Father to boldly draw near to Him so that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
We are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus on the basis of his good works so that we might walk in them to the praise and glory of God.
He delights in our prayers so ask that you might receive His help, dearly beloved. We are never alone. He will never desert us.
Our Father loves us so much it will take them the ages to come to show us the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness to us in Christ. Take His Word for it!
Rejoice and walk with great thanksgiving in your heart toward Him today. You are His dearly beloved and highly favored child. Practice His presence in your life today.