July 2020
The Gift that Changed Everything
Dearly beloved of God, what do the scriptures reveal about the spirit we received in the new birth due to Jesus Christ’s accomplishments?
We received the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, the spirit of Christ, the spirit of sonship, the spirit from God, that spirit bears witness with our inner being that we are the children of God.
When we made Jesus our lord and believed that God raised him from the dead we received the spirit of Him that raised up Christ from the dead! This life-giving spirit dwells in us, dearly beloved.
When we manifest the spirit, it is the proof that we are sons of God and have eternal life.
The first fruit of the spirit in the new birth is a foretaste and pledge of our future glory.
It is the spirit that helps our weakness of not knowing what to pray for as we ought, and it makes intercession for us.
God says that our standing is no longer “in the flesh”; it is “in the spirit.” God is Spirit and we are born of His spirit. Now then we are the sons of God, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. Rejoice!
God put all of this truth in one chapter: Romans 8. The Church Epistles are chocked full of truth concerning the new birth. This knowledge is truly life changing and it is available to everyone.
God freely gave us all things with Christ in the new birth, dearly beloved. It is the gift that changes everything!