July 2020
Our God is For Us
Dearly beloved of God, our Heavenly Father is for us, not against us. If God is for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not with him also freely give us all things?
God is not against us; He is for us. He freely gives us all things with His Son. In everything He works for good with those who love Him. He called us, He conformed us to the image of His Son, He justified us, and He glorified us in Christ.
Our God is light and in Him is no darkness at all, not even a shadow of turning. He is the same today as He always has been. He does not change. He is a faithful God that keeps His Word.

Our God does not accuse us. Certainly not, He justified us from sin and its condemnation. He judged us in Christ as righteous; now we stand before Him without any sense of sin, guilt, or condemnation.
We are holy and without blame before Him and He has given us unrestricted access to Him by the spirit and He desires that we freely utilize it with boldness and confidence.
Nothing is too hard for Him, dearly beloved. He is our Delivering God, the all powerful God, our miraculous God. Our Father is God Almighty, our El Shaddai, who is almighty in resources, and willing to support, defend, and to supply our every need. He is always present to deliver us, and in Him that loves us we are more than conquerors.
If God reveals His will to us by Divine revelation in His Word, why would we ever doubt Him? We doubt His veracity because we have been conditioned by senses information fed to us by the god of this world, the devil. He would keep us ignorant, afraid, full of worry and doubt of he could.
The adversary uses every media at his disposal to blind us to the truth. He is the father of lies, the deceiver, the accuser of the brethren, the tempter. He is the one that condemns us and reminds us of our unworthiness, our sins, and short comings.
Dearly beloved, stand against him! Stand against him by believing what our God says.
Walk with God by believing what He says. Operate the manifestations of the spirit for the godly profit our Father intends us to have. If we are to be more than conquerors we must walk with the Father attentively and believe Him. This was Jesus Christ’s secret in walking with such power. He always did his Father’s will, and God fulfilled His Word to him every time.
We are not sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; our sufficiency is of God, dear ones. We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
He delivered others before us, He promises to deliver us, also. We walk in the deliverance by believing what He says and acting according to His will.
Our Father says that He will never leave us, or ever, ever forsake us; that is the truth! The liar, the deceiver, our adversary the devil works relentlessly to talk us out of this truth. Stand against him; speak God’s Word to him: “It is written!”
Dearly beloved, we are completely, completely, completely, complete in Christ. Our Father blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. He seated us in the heavenly realm in Christ. He filled us with His spirit. We are His purchased possession, His dwelling place by the spirit, His inheritance. As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.
God is always faithful to His Word; we are the ones that must grow in our confidence of His faithfulness.
Remember, He works for our good in all things. Cast your cares upon Him and trust Him to take care of them. Listen to Him, and walk with Him by believing what He says.
Fellowship is the secret dear ones; walk with Him and enjoy it. That is where we find our fullness of joy and deliverance when we are attacked by the adversary.
Our God is for us, dearly beloved of God, and He always will be. If God is for us, who can be against us? Who cares; it does not matter! What is too hard for Him?
Our Father is always with us and He will never desert us; He is able and willing to deliver us. He is our faithful God, and He is always for us; He works for our good in all things.