February 2020

Spirit is Behind Every Doctrine

Dearly beloved by God, spirit is behind every doctrine promulgated by man. It does not matter what the doctrine is, one God or the other inspires it, whether it goes by the name “Christian,” or humanist, or some other religion.

The two gods are over two spirit kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the adversary.

God is the Head of His kingdom; He is the Holy Spirit.

Seated at His right side is His Son, Jesus, whom God raised to life again out from among all the people who have ever died. He is the ONLY one to rise from the dead and live again. God made him both Lord and Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I am he that lives, and was dead; and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.” Revelation 1:18

This distinguished Jesus Christ from every other man. He was the first fruit from the dead.

Under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ are the good angels [see Hebrews 1:7 and 14].

The children of God are citizens of the Kingdom of God. These are people in whom the seed of Christ is born, and who have the promise of everlasting life. When Christ returns he will change the living ones, and raise the dead in Christ, and together they will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

God originated information, and communicated it by revelation to apostles and prophets in whom His spirit dwelt. He communicated His Word, which reveals His standard for truth. His Word sets forth what we are to believe concerning spiritual matters. It is our only reference for truth concerning spiritual matters.

In the other kingdom, the adversary, who is spirit, rules his kingdom.

Under his jurisdiction are the fallen angels. They are “daimon,” ruling devil spirits, and “daimonion,” devils, meaning devil spirits. See Revelation 12:1ff, especially verse 4.

Next in his kingdom come the children of the devil, the men in whom the seed of the serpent is born.

Most Christians know nothing about these spiritual realities, and believe even less because no one has taught them God’s Word, yet everything in Christianity revolves around the spirit of God, and the information He communicates to man by His spirit.

God gave His Word by His spirit, and it interprets itself. It is not up to man to stand as a critic of God’s Word. It is his duty to study it and rightly divide it to the end he gets the Word of Truth. Man’s failure to allow the Word of God to interpret itself in the verse, its context, and in its previous usage is the reason we have thousands of divisions of the Word of God, which are not the truth.

People laud their creeds and traditions above the revelation of God’s Word as their reference for truth. Where do people get these doctrines? They are inspired by the adversary. He is the spirit behind these ideas.

Let me give you an example. Read Romans 10:9: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hast raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

The verse says exactly what God intended to say, and it means precisely what the words in the verse communicate. This is the Will of God in the Administration of the Grace of God concerning salvation. This is addressed to the Church of the Grace of God. What is said is understandable, and God gave it for our believing.

Why would a person believe otherwise? They would have to get information from another source to believe otherwise. The adversary, the god of this world, is behind the information that is contrary to the Word and Will of God.

Jesus Christ said that the adversary is the Father of lies and that he is the Deceiver. There is no truth in him. He cloaks his lies in traditions, creeds, and the doctrines of men.

Jesus Christ said that the Pharisees mentioned in John 9 were of their father the devil. These men were supposed to be the leaders of the children of Israel, and they were supposed to represent the One True God, but instead they were born of the seed of the devil, and taught doctrines that were contrary to God's Word. Jesus Christ confronted them time and time again about their devilish doctrines. We know this to be true because God reveals it in His Word.

Let’s consider some other examples of true doctrine versus the adversary’s lies.

In Genesis 3, the serpent who was the spirit being the devil, got Eve to question God’s Word. God told Adam that the day he disobeyed His commandment given in Genesis 2:17, that "...thou shalt surely die." The serpent told Eve, "Ye shall not surely die." He said, "...ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." The serpent's word completely contradicted God's Word.

The doctrine of the immortality of the soul came from the adversary, not from the One True God. God told Adam that the day that they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that he would surely die. They died that very day; they lost the spirit life that God created in them.

The teaching that every man has a spark of the divine in them is another of the adversary’s lies. God only fathered those who have his spirit in them. He is not the Father of every human being. The brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God is a lie inspired by the spirit being the devil.

God is Spirit. God created Adam in His image, which was spirit.

Adam’s children were not born in God’s image, but in Adam’s image, which was the flesh. They only had the life of the flesh, which is soul life. Soul life and spirit life are not the same. 

Nancy Pelosi is wrong when she says that every man has a spark of the divine in them, that they are born in God’s image, and are children of God. This doctrine does not come from the One True God; this doctrine comes from the adversary. Do not be deceived.

Spirit is behind every doctrine; either the One True God, or the devil.

We should take what anyone says about God and compare it to what God reveals to us in His Word to see if it is the truth. We also have the manifestation of discerning of spirits available to us as sons of God that will give us the profit of knowing which spirit is at work in a situation. God wants us to know the score when it comes to spiritual realities.

Adam had only known what was “very good” before he transgressed God’s commandment. Did Adam become a god after he rejected God’s Word? No, he became a ruin. He lost the spirit of God, and was expelled from paradise.

When we lose life we call it death. Years after Adam lost the spirit of God he also physically died. When he breathed his last breath he physically died, his body corrupted, and he returned to the elements of the dust from which God made him.

Adam is still dead and awaiting the resurrection from the dead. There is NO LIFE after death except by resurrection, and the resurrections will ONLY be carried out by God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will give the command for the dead to come forth at his coming.

The serpent used his words to work on Eves feelings, her senses, and her desires to get her to disobey God and believe his words instead. The serpent’s lies deceived Eve, but Adam knowingly disobeyed God; they did not become gods.

Every doctrine that comes from the adversary is a lie that is contrary to God’s Word. His doctrines destroy people’s lives today as they did then. Spirit is behind every false doctrine.

God says when you die, you are dead, and you will stay dead until Christ returns and raises the dead. He will raise the dead in Christ and change the living ones when he comes. They will ascend into the air to meet the Lord in the air. The only life from the dead will be by the power of The Lord Jesus Christ when he comes.

The adversary promulgates the lie that you don’t really die, you just cross the bar, and live on in another form in paradise, or in heaven, depending on what your group may teach.

The devil is the author of the lie that you die and immediately go to heaven. God says the dead are dead, and they will stay dead until Christ gives the command to raise the dead at his coming.

One God or the other is a liar. You can believe the revelation of God’s Word, or the traditions, creeds, or doctrines of the devil. He disguises his lies in intellectual works, in higher institutions of learning, in religious circles, by respected men in the world that puppet his lies, by movies, by poets, authors; by every media.

Dearly beloved, if the devil’s lies are the truth, it opens the door for spiritualism, where “the dead” are not dead, but alive, and they can appear to people present in a seance. These spirits are supposed to give guidance from the afterlife to those who are present.

If the Word of God is true, and it is, this is a counterfeit and a lie. The dead are dead. They are not alive in any form today. They will not live again until Christ returns and raises the dead.

These spirits are deceiving spirits that impersonate the dead, they are not God‘s spirits; they are devil spirits. God gives us revelation knowledge about them in Deuteronomy 18:9-12; Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6; Leviticus 20:27; Leviticus 20:27; I Chronicles 10:13, and Isaiah 8:19,20 to mention a few of the scriptures that shed light on the subject.

God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge of His Word. Whose doctrine will you choose to believe: what the One True and Living God says, or what the adversary, the devil says?

Either way, all doctrine comes from one of two gods. Choose wisely which one you will listen to, dearly beloved of God.

Where there is no knowledge of God the people wander aimlessly, they perish. God wants us to be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth. The Word of God is the Word of Truth. The truth will set you free, dearly beloved. Just remember, spirit is behind every doctrine.