December 2020
Ho, Ho, Ho
Dearly beloved of God, our Father is so thankful for you. He loves you with a great love and burning love, with tender mercies, and compassions that fail not.
There is nothing good that He withhold from you. In everything He works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. Rejoice! We are His dearly beloved and highly favored kids; His household. We are the object of His affection.
God our Father has given His kids the run of the house so to speak. His throne of grace is always open to us. In time of need we can go to Him with confidence and speak freely with Him because His ears are open to our prayers. He loves spoiling His kids royally.
He gives us daily what Santa Claus could never give. He freely gives us all things to enjoy: salvation and eternal life, wholeness, health and healing, peace of mind, fullness of joy, forgiveness, wisdom and guidance, edification and comfort, prosperity, and deliverance in every situation regardless of the odds against us, and so much more. He supplies all our needs through Christ Jesus our Lord. He gives us exceeding great grace now, and forevermore, dearly beloved.
Not only has He blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm, He assures us of an inheritance that is beyond all that we could ever ask or think. No one has ever seen or heard what He has prepared for those who love Him. It is a stupendous inheritance!
Crawl up in Daddy’s arms; it is always a fresh start with Him. He is full of understanding and compassion, tender mercies, and forgiveness, and all the love you could ever ask for.
Practice His presence in your life, and don't forget all His benefits. You don't have to be afraid, He will deliver us from everything that makes you afraid. If you look unto Him you will be radiant and full of joy.
Do you know what your Father wants this Christmas? He wants the love of His children; He has given us His great love, even His only begotten Son for us. We are all He gets out of the deal. Love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, dearly beloved.