December 2020
A Heart Working God
Dearly beloved of God, religion and politics are for the masses, but God is a heart working God.
Everything He did in Christ Jesus was for you and for me. He did it according to the good pleasure of His will to deliver and bless us. He did not do it to get anything out of us; He did it because of His great love for us.
Religion and politics are the two most corrupt institutions in this world. The work of God in Christ is the only source of true freedom a person will ever have.
Which one of those institutions can give you peace that passes understanding regardless of the “hell” going on around you?
Can either one fill you with joy in spite of your circumstances? Does either one love you for who you are?
Which one gave their only begotten Son for you because of their great love for you?
God is the only One that works in the heart of man to will and to do of His good pleasure to deliver and to bless us, to lead and to guide us.
Governments have come and gone throughout history; none has endured the test of time. For a government to succeed it requires godly men, fearless men who have the conviction to stand on the truth. They must be patriots that are willing to serve the people they represent, even to give their lives if necessary; look at our founding Fathers.
Today most of those in power greedily use the government for their own profit, not the profit of those they represent. When commitment is required from them sadly they usually respond with cowardice. History is full of leaders like them.
Religion is no different; it uses people to gain power over the people they should be serving and teaching the truth of God’s Word so they can know God and His wonderful Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Instead, they lead people away from the One True God by their doctrines, creeds, and hypocrisy. Religionists murdered the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes dearly beloved, God our Father is the only One that would have all men to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth.
The truth concerning Christ will make any man or woman free; not by legislating, dictating, mandating or enslaving them, but by making them free with the truth concerning the work of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Religion works on the outside of man to bring him into conformity; God works in the heart of a man or woman to set them free.
There is a lot of religion today in “Christianity,” but the work of God in Christ Jesus is a heart work. It is the only thing will make a man or woman absolutely free regardless of twisted governments and corrupt religions. He cares about the individual.
I wanted to know peace, to be full of joy, and to be loved. God filled that void in my life when someone served me His matchless Word and showed me His great love for me. God didn’t do it because I was so wonderful; just the opposite. He did it when I was destitute and in great need. He transformed me from the inside out, not the outside in, and took me from death unto life.
He that will be greatest among you must have the meekness of a child and the commitment of a slave. He that will be greatest must be your servant.
Jesus Christ was such a man. He was the greatest of all men, of all leaders. He gave his life for those who desperately needed deliverance because of his love.
Dearly beloved, our God is a heart working God. He is a heart surgeon; He will make you free indeed.