September 2018

He is Faithful That Called You

Dearly beloved of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, called saints, you are a child of God; His heirs and joint heirs with Christ. He is faithful that called you. What a way to start the day!

We have been delivered from this evil age! We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus our Lord. We are highly favored by our Heavenly Father in the Beloved One and His grace is sufficient for us regardless of the situations with which we are confronted. He is always present to deliver us; nothing is too hard for Him.

We have access to Him by the spirit of sonship and His throne of grace is open to us so that we may find help in our times of need. You are not alone, dearly beloved. Go to Him boldly and confidently as He requests.

Rejoice, Christ is coming, and you are sealed for the gathering together of the saints unto him in the air. Keep your eyes on him, dear ones. He will fulfill every word of His promise concerning our hope as He has fulfilled every other promise to us in Christ. Faint not!

The day of our deliverance is at hand and nothing can keep Him from His purposes. We are His and He is ours. He is faithful that called us and He will do as He has promised. He will freely give us all things with Christ forever as He has promised.

There is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ and nothing will ever be able to separate us from His love for us. Rejoice forevermore!

Be at peace in your heart and cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you, dearly beloved. The Lord is at hand to deliver us.

The world belittles these promises, but we know our Father’s heart and love toward us in Christ; He is faithful that called us, and He will do all the good pleasure of His will concerning us. Cast not away your confidence; it has great recompense of reward.

It’s a great time to believe God at His Word and walk with HIm. The darker the world becomes, the more brightly His Word shines. It is the light in this present darkness.

The times will only get darker as his coming draws nigh, but that does not change God’s mind about us. All that He prepared for us in Christ is by the good pleasure of His will. He will never forsake us or forget about us.

Remember, He is faithful that called you, dearly beloved. You can count on Him today and always. You are His dearly beloved.