October 2018

The Tale of Two Realities

Dearly beloved, whether we are facing affliction, calamity, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword, are killed all the day long, and are destined as sheep for slaughter; in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Nothing can separate us from God’s love for us that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

None of the adversary’s assaults on us can separate us from Christ’s love for us. His attacks are attempts to burden, obstruct, depress, discourage, and intimidate us in an effort to keep us from standing our ground on the Word of God.

The adversary is constantly trying to deceive us in an effort to get us to reject God and His Word. He wants us to think that his attacks are greater than our God’s ability to deliver us from them. He wants us to grow weary from the fight and think that God is a liar and that He will not deliver according to His Word. The serpent is the liar and the deceiver; not the One True God.

Does God set us up as sheep for slaughter? This quote comes from Psalm 44:22 and it concerns Israel’s slavery in Egypt and describes their cry to God for deliverance. In the face of the adversary’s attacks against us, are we sheep for the slaughter?

No! In all these things . . . we are more than conquerors . . . through him that loved us! It is, “through him that loved us”, that we are “more than conquerors” ". . . in all these things”. Our God works for our good in all these things. Our Father has not forsaken us, and He never will. We are not alone.

Dearly beloved, our sufficiency is of God! As He delivered Israel from their bondage in Egypt, He is present to deliver us, “in all these things.” We are not helpless victims of the adversary’s assaults. We are born of God’s spirit, and greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world! Our sufficiency is of God!

God stands with us and for us. We should cry out to Him as His children, “Abba, Father.” His ears are open to our prayers. He promises to deliver us, the same as He delivered Israel from their bondage in Egypt, even from death itself if necessary.

The adversary does not have the right to touch our lives anymore. We are God’s purchased possession now; His inheritance. We should be wise to the lies of the adversary. He constantly works to talk us out of what is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord, the same as he did with Eve in Genesis 3.

We are sons of God with power, enabled with the power of the spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead! Our standing is in Christ Jesus. We are more than conquerors through him that loved us. We do not have to be victims any longer. We are victors as we believe the Word of God and stand.

Even though we are not free from the adversary’s attacks, none of them can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus. In all these attacks, God is present and willing to deliver us. We are more than conquerors through Him that loves us. In everything God works for our good.

Our Father promises us that He will never leave us, nor ever, ever forsake us. He is always at hand to deliver us.

We are “more than conquerors” because our victory is not only during the fleeting period of this life – it is over death itself. We are not only “more than conquerors” today, but throughout eternity.

We are “more than conquerors”, not only in the senses realm but in the spiritual realm. Our Father delivered us from the power of darkness. Nothing in the spirit realm is as powerful as the spirit of God that dwells in us. We have the power to tread over all the power of the adversary.

The reality that “we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” is a greater reality than any obstacle we may face.

Our God is greater than anything visible or invisible; known or unknown. We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us, regardless of the adversary’s attacks and his attempts to intimidate us.

As the men in Daniel who faced the fiery furnace of the king, we must not bow to the adversary’s attacks. If we bow, we will burn. If we stand, He is able to deliver us according to His Word, and He will deliver us out of the adversary’s hand. We have a choice between two realities. Be fully persuaded and choose correctly, dearly beloved.