October 2018

Higher Education

Dearly beloved of God, we do not know any more about spiritual matters than God reveals to us in His Word. He does not want His people ignorant. He would have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth that He reveals for our believing. Believing comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.

How do we learn about the will of God? He reveals it to us in His Word. The Word of God declares the will of God to us.
If we are to know the will of God about salvation, healing, prosperity, peace, deliverance, or any other spiritual matter we must hear what He reveals to us in His Word.

God reveals spiritual matters to us that would otherwise be impossible for us to understand. How could mortal, natural people with only the information from the five senses gain an understanding of spiritual matters that are beyond their reach? How can we learn about the spiritual realm if God does not reveal the knowledge concerning it to us?

We apply ourselves in every other field of learning so that we may become competent. We study, we read, we research, we listen to lectures, we do homework, we have discussions, we do papers, we apply for practicums, we apprentice, we practice, we apply ourselves in these fields of study so that we may be successful in them.

If we are to gain an understanding of spiritual matters, we must submit to the higher learning of revelation knowledge that God reveals to us in His Word and then put it into practice faithfully.

How do we know who God is, how He works, know His will, learn how to be saved, how we can gain access to Him, how we can worship as He desires, what is available from Him and how we can receive it, how we can pray and get answers, how we can minister healing, how we can edify the church, how we receive revelation, how we can perform miracles, how we can prosper, and on and on?

If not for His Word we would not have these answers; they would be beyond our reach. This knowledge is not intuitive; He revealed it to us in His Word so that we can profit from it.

His Word is profitable to us and so is His spirit. It will take the profit from both of them if we are to walk as more than conquerors.

The Lord Jesus told his critics that they erred not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

Beloved, our Father wants us to understand spiritual matters so that we can believe Him.

Dearly beloved, He is not a God afar off, He is at hand. He is able and willing to deliver us from whatever we may face today, even from the grave if it overtakes us. It is His will to save us, to deliver us, to answer our prayers, to prosper us, and to give us understanding. How can we be confident of these things? He says so, dearly beloved!

He is our Father; take Him at His Word and learn from Him. He is faithful that promised. He will never leave us, and never, never forsake us. You can be confident of it because He said so.

His Word gives us certainty in the uncertainty of our times. His wisdom is the stability of our times. He will lead and guide us as He has promised if we will walk in the realities He has freely given us in Christ. Take Him at His Word, dearly beloved. His Word is His will; there is no higher education concerning spiritual matters, dearly beloved.