October 2018

It’s True

What’s the worth of a man’s life, dearly beloved? God thinks that you are worth the wealth of the whole world to Him. The Lord Jesus Christ thought you were worth giving his life for you; I would say that makes you quite worthy. He said that the angels of heaven rejoiced when you were saved.

We should see our value in light of what our Heavenly Father and His wonderful Son think of us. As you read the scriptures from Romans to II Thessalonians, realize that this is how our Father thinks of us. He says exactly what He means and means precisely what He says. He uses words that convey His plans, His purposes, His counsel, His will, His heart.

He says we are His dearly beloved and highly favored children. These are not just words; they are so much more. Do not underestimate them. These words are revelation knowledge given to us from our Father in the heavenly realm; they express His heart concerning us.

There are times we might not think we are worthy of His love and such great grace, but He never changes His mind about us; He loves us and thought we were worth saving.

Let’s grow up in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s take God at His Word and believe who we are in Christ. You are worth everything to Him. It will take Him the ages to come to show us the exceeding riches of His grace in kindness to us in Christ.

This love story has only just begun.