June 2018

God is Light

Dearly beloved, God is light; there is no darkness in Him. He does not vary from one day to the next. He is the same today as He was yesterday and so is His will. He plainly reveals Himself to us in His Word. His Word is the same today as it was from the beginning; it is the same. His Word is like Him; true and faithful.

He does not heal one day and then turn around and afflict you with sickness the next to humble you. He does not save one day and then destroy you the next. He does not prosper you one day and then reduce you to poverty the next. God is light. There is no darkness in Him; He doesn’t even cast a shadow when He turns; He is light.

His will is only good concerning us, dearly beloved. He leads people to a change of heart by His goodness. He sent Christ and he accomplished his mission according to the good pleasure of His will. This may seem elementary, yet many do not understand this foundational truth.

Page after page in His Word illuminates His will concerning us. He provides us with example after example so that we do not miss it. He gives us enlightened understanding.

He also reveals how He works with people. He never possesses or uses us as channels. He does not ask us to be mediums which He controls. He works with people as they believe what He says.

Once He has revealed His Word to us, He expects us to respond by believing that He will do as He promises. He expects us to trust Him; to take Him at His Word; to have confidence that it will be as He says; that He is able and willing to bring His Word to pass.

He does not give revelation to us in our walks with Him that is contrary to what He revealed in His written Word.

He is not fickle, nor schizophrenic.

He works in specific situations in accordance with His will, not against it. In those situations, He may give additional revelation which goes beyond His written Word, but it will not contradict the many clear scriptures concerning His will.

He expects us to respond to Him with believing, whether it concerns His written Word, or in specific situations that we may face in which He gives us specific revelation as to how to proceed.

Beloved, we can respond to His written Word and Will with believing, and we can respond to what He reveals to us by His spirit in specific situations with the manifestation of believing.

For example, His Word reveals that His will is healing. He reveals that He is the Lord that heals us. He says that He sent His Word and healed them. He sent Christ to deliver those who are oppressed by the devil and we were healed by his stripes. These revelations of His will are clear.

When we are in a situation which requires this type of deliverance, He may give us revelation to instruct us how to appropriate this deliverance.

Deliverance may require the believing concerning the accomplishments of Jesus Christ, or believing expressed in communion, or the prayer of believing, or ministering the gifts of healings and utilizing the manifestation of believing and miracles.

The healing may be an instantaneous miracle, or it could be a recovery over time. It could require removing a cause, or it may require imparting something that is missing.

The information could be to go wash in the Jordan as Elijah told Naaman to do, or it could be to put clay on a blind man’s eyes as Jesus once did, or it could be to put a clump of figs on a sore as Isaiah was instructed to do with Hezekiah, or it may simply be to speak the words He tells us to speak.

Regardless of the kind of healing, or the specifics that He reveals to us in a given situation, He is the Lord that heals us.

The specifics He reveals to us will always be in accordance with His written Word and will. It may go beyond what He reveals in the scriptures, but it will not go against it. The revelation knowledge that He may give by a word of knowledge, or what to do with that knowledge by giving us a word of wisdom reveals the specifics required in a given situation to provide deliverance, and it will come to pass as we operate the manifestation of believing, gifts of healings, and miracles.

The written Word requires renewed mind believing, and revelation from God in specific situations requires us to utilize the manifestation of believing. This manifestation allows us to bring the impossible to pass in accordance with the revelation we may receive from God.

The deliverance may be instantaneous, or it may require us to believe for three years and six months as Elijah did. Regardless, we are to walk by believing; believing that God is both able and willing to perform His word and will, and we trust Him to do it; we are absolutely confident of it.

Dearly beloved, God is light, and light makes manifest so we can see. Believe His written Word and believe what He may reveal to you by revelation. He is not a man that He should lie; His words are always true and faithful; He is light, not darkness.