June 2018

Are You Challenged?

Dearly beloved of God, our God is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort. He comforts us as no other can. There is nothing from which He cannot deliver us; not even death. He is the One True and Living God and He is accessible to us.

Our lives are fraught with challenges which none of us can handle by ourselves. I read the examples of God’s deliverance in people’s lives who were just like us and I stand in awe and thankfulness. He gives us record after record of His ability and willingness to deliver and to comfort His people in the turmoil they faced. Their circumstances were not greater than ours.

We can be confident of our Father’s great love for us. We don’t have to fear the challenges we face. We no longer face them alone. Our Father is a greater reality than any obstacle in our path. He is our Rock and Fortress. He will hide us under His wing as a mother hides her young.

Noah faced a flood greater than Alberto. Lot was delivered from the fires of Sodom and Gomorra which were much greater than Hawaii’s volcano. He delivered the Apostle Paul from the tempestuous Euroclydon while a prisoner headed to Rome to stand trial. Few of us have faced such challenges in our lives.

Of those mentioned in Hebrews 11, who of us have faced challenges like the ones they faced, and yet God delivered them all as they stood and believed God. Gird up the loins of your mind, dearly beloved, and look to the One that is able and willing to deliver you.

We don’t worship an impotent lifeless idol, we worship the One True and Living God!

The Lord Jesus Christ faced torture and death because he believed that the Word of God cannot be broken and that his Father would deliver him from death as he promised; surely our God will deliver us from the adversary’s attempts on our lives, even from death itself as He has promised us.

What is too hard for Him? Is He not all powerful? Is His arm shortened that He cannot deliver? He is the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, dearly beloved.

No one twisted His arm to promise the things He promised us, and nothing can keep Him from performing them in our lives. Our God is faithful. What He has promised He will perform.

We have better promises than the Old Testament believers had, upon which we have a better covenant, and a better substance in the heavenly realm. We have better, not worse, not less; better!

We are members of the body of Christ, filled with all in all of us. The head of this body is Lord of all in heaven and earth and nothing is more powerful than him. We are members of HIS body!

In Christ, we are filled to the full; complete in him; blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. We are as he is! He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world! In him that loves us, we are more than conquerors!

Yes, beloved, our Father is the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He has not left us alone. He cares for us, so cast your cares on Him and allow Him to do as He promises to do.

He is the God of love, consolation, peace, hope and so much more. Trust Him to be Who He says He is and to do what He promises.

Don’t be weary and faint in your mind. Believe Him at His Word, dearly beloved; He will deliver us. He is the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, dearly beloved. Go to Him and find rest.