July 2018

You Are Everything to Him

Dearly beloved, let’s start the day with the right perspective.

From the world’s perspective we may not think we are worth much, but in God’s eyes we are worth everything; we are worth all the wealth of the world to Him.

He knows how much He loves us, but that is not always the case with us. We must learn to think about ourselves as He does.

The adversary hits us with thoughts of unworthiness in an effort to undermine the truth that God loves us. The adversary wants you to see yourself through the lens of sin, guilt, and condemnation.

God wants us to see ourselves in Christ Jesus.

God says that He gave His only begotten Son for us, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. How much are we worth to Him? He says that we are worth the price He paid!

When thoughts of unworthiness or condemnation or failure start to seep into your thinking and begin to stick, hit the brakes, and remember how much your Heavenly Father loves you, what He did for you in Christ, and who you are in him. He did it all for you, His dearly beloved child.

You are His lost piece of silver; priceless, an heirloom, a family jewel that cannot be replaced. Heaven rejoices over you! You were dead in sin, but now are alive in Christ Jesus.

You are the one lost sheep that He searched for in the wilderness until He found you. When He found you, He laid you on his shoulders, rejoicing, along with all His neighbors. We have entered our rest; we are no longer lost in the wilderness of sin.

You are His prodigal son, who having wasted your inheritance, finally came to yourself. He was there to receive you. While you were a great way off, the Father saw you and had compassion, and ran, and fell on your neck, and kissed you. He brought forth the robe of inheritance, and put it on you; and put the signet ring on your finger giving you the power of attorney, and He prepared your feet with the gospel of peace. He killed the fatted calf and made a feast saying, “For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, but now is found.” He rejoiced and began to make merry over you.

In the world’s eyes you may not be worth much, but to your Heavenly Father you are everything, dearly beloved.

Whether you were a religious Pharisee like Nicodemus, or like the woman caught in the very act of adultery, He sent His Son to save you and bring you home to Him. He is the one that so loved you; it was not the other way around.

You are His, His dearly beloved, whether you were a blind man, Zacchaeus, Lazarus, a leper, the rich young man, a prodigal, a pharisee, a tax collector, a zealot, a prostitute, rich or poor; you were lost, but now you are found.

It is not who you were that matters, it is who He made you in Christ that counts.You now stand before Him in Christ Jesus.

He justified you from sin. He has cast your sin as far as the east is from the west and remembers them no more. He forgave you in Christ when he gave his life for you, and by the riches of His grace He forgave you everything. He never reminds you of your past sins, or failures. He does not plant those doubts in your mind.

Now you are born of His spirit and stand before Him in the heavenly realm clothed in Christ’s righteousness.

He sanctified you by His spirit and set you apart from the unbelievers of the world. You are now a saint.

He glorified you with Christ, now its only a matter of time before it comes to fruition. It will take our Father the ages to come to demonstrate the exceeding riches of His grace in kindness to us in Christ Jesus. You are His inheritance.

Oh yes, you are His dearly beloved! Rejoice, and cast ALL your cares on Him because HE CARES for you. You are everything to Him.

In anatomy class, I learned I was worth about thirteen cents. To God I am worth all the wealth of the world. Be sure you see things from the right perspective today, dearly beloved of God.