March 2022
Instead Of and What If
Dearly beloved of God, how did we end up with so many different opinions about spiritual matters? The Word of God reveals His Will, and it is not of anyone's private interpretation. All Scripture is God-breathed and it is profitable. The Word of God reveals the truth about spiritual matters.
God does not hide the truth from us, He reveals it in His Word. He would have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. God does not want His people to be ignorant; He wants us to understand spiritual matters. He wants us to be wise unto salvation. He opens the eyes of our understanding so we can know His Will beyond any shadow of a doubt.
God’s Word did not come out of the mind of man. God was the source of the information, and He revealed it to holy men of God, and He instructed them to write it down.
Instead of reading between the lines, we simply need to read what is written in the Word of God. If the Word of God does not reveal information about a given subject, our supposing’s about them will certainly not make them so.
Instead of guessing and imagining about what the Word of God does NOT say, we should read and believe what the Word of God DOES say.
Instead of searching for scriptures to substantiate what we believe, we should study the God-breathed Word of God, and allow it to reveal what we are to believe.
Instead of having itching ears for some new doctrine, we ought to believe the measure that God has given us to believe concerning Christ. God instructs us to think soberly according as He has dealt to every man the measure to be believed.
Instead of considering other people’s opinions about spiritual matters, or considering sources like the book of Enoch, or the Dead Sea scrolls, or any other writing as a reference for truth concerning spiritual matters, perhaps we should consider the truth that God reveals about the realm in which He exists. What other source has firsthand knowledge of this realm that we can trust? None!
The One True and Living God is the only One capable of revealing the truth about matters in the spiritual realm. We can trust what He says. His Word is the truth.
Instead of participating in a séance to supposedly conjure up dead people to learn about spiritual matters, or reading Tarot cards, or tea leaves, or using Ouija boards, or considering a horoscope, or examining new age religion (which is not new at all), or listening to the Pope speak “ex cathedra,” or anyone else for that matter; the One True and Living God instructs us to study His Word to show ourselves approved unto Him.
The sources I mentioned above will lead to captivity and bondage, and God instructs us to avoid them. The information they provide comes from the adversary.
The truth of God's Word will make you free. It is a gospel of deliverance, and the truth it reveals will lead to salvation, it will heal, it will make you whole, it will give you peace, certainty, and confidence toward God when it is believed. It is a living Word.
The Word of God is the only reference for truth concerning spiritual matters that is trustworthy.
God gave us His Word by revelation so that when we read it, and we can understand His knowledge. He gave us His Word in writing, and it is trustworthy because He is trustworthy. His Word is beyond reproach. God is able and willing to perform every word that He has spoken.
If we will work His Word so that every scripture that concerns a given subject agrees, we will have the word of truth. Truth cannot contradict itself, and it works when it is believed.
What if we listen to the One True and Living God, and believe what He has to say?
God, by His divine power, has given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of His Word. He has given us great and precious promises, so that by these we might be partakers of the divine nature, and gain eternal life.
What if we take God at His Word, dearly beloved?