March 2022
The Knowledge of God or the Knowledge of Evil
Dearly beloved of God, the One True and Living God is only good.
It does not matter whether you consider God’s work as the Creator of the first heavens and the earth, or His work to restore the second heaven and earth, and the garden of Eden, or His work after the fall to bring the Savior, or what He will yet do in the third heaven and earth; God is only good.
He blessed the patriarchs, He blessed Israel, and He has blessed the Church through the accomplishments of Jesus Christ. He blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. He freely gives every member of the body of Christ all things with His beloved Son; it is all of them in all of us.
In everything God works together for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.
The old serpent, the devil is the father of lies, and there is no truth in him. He is the deceiver that deceives the whole world.
How does he deceive people? With words, the same as he deceived Eve in the garden. He is behind every false doctrine in Christianity, as well as those of worldly religions. He is the tempter that tempts people to not believe what God says. He is evil, not good. He perverts everything he touches.
The devil has never offered anyone more than he offered Eve in the garden; a knowledge of evil. Did that improve on the knowledge of good that God has given them? How did that work out for them? It lead to their ruin.
The adversary’s words lead people away from the One True and Living God. His words lead people into captivity and bondage and death and destruction, not into deliverance and salvation and glory.
Instead of being fascinated with ideas that he inspires through intellectualism, philosophy, theology and religion, politics, and culture, we should study the Word of God to show ourselves approved unto God as workmen that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of truth, so that we can believe God, and have trust and confidence toward Him.
When we have the accuracy of the Word of God, we will have the Word of truth. His Word is the gospel of deliverance, and it is the power of God unto salvation and deliverance.
God would have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. The devil wants neither.
The Word of God reveals that in Christ, and by his accomplishments, God offers us salvation, and redemption, deliverance from death, and everlasting life by His love and grace.
In Christ we are justified from sin and we have the forgiveness of sins. God gives us a standing before Him in Christ, clothed with his righteousness. He made us holy and without blame and unimpeachable in His sight. He sanctified us in Christ. In love He gave us sonship to Himself, and He made us accepted in His beloved Son. He highly favors us in His beloved Son.
Now we are the children of God, His heirs, and joint heirs with Christ. In Christ we became members of the household of God.
In Christ we have access to the Father by the new birth spirit, and He encourages us to utilize our access to Him with boldness and confidence through the right way of believing that is in Christ.
We are complete in Christ Jesus, completely filled with all he accomplished.
God called us by the gospel to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ; we will be conformed to the image of His Son! We will glorified with him, dearly beloved. This is the Word of Truth that God has given us to believe.
What can compare to the wisdom and power of God concerning Christ? What can compare to what He has done for us in Christ, and what He will yet do for us in him? What began for us in grace will end in glory, and that forever.
How does a knowledge of evil compare to the gospel of the grace of God concerning Christ, and his accomplishments?
As the children of God we must continue to hold in mind who we are in Christ by the grace of God, and what He has freely given us with His beloved Son.
Dearly beloved, we must believe who God says we are in Christ, and have our sonship rights, privileges, and sonship ability clearly in mind so that we can walk with Him. He is trustworthy and reliable, and we can take Him at His Word. We walk by believing, not by sight.