February 2018

It’s a Good Fight

Dearly beloved, God is the same today as He was in the beginning. He is the LORD, Jehovah, He does not change.

God has the power and wisdom it took to create the heavens and the earth, life, and all the laws that sustain them. He is light, not darkness. He reveals the truth, not lies. He is faithful to His Word; he does not use it to deceive people. He is the God of life, not death. He provides us all things to enjoy, He doesn’t steal from people; He freely gives us all things to enjoy. He does not murder, He saves; the devil is the murderer. God does not destroy people's lives – read Job 1 and 2 and you will see who does. Our God is the God of all comfort and the Father of mercies, not the god that afflicts people to hurt them.

Before I got in the Word of God and someone taught me how it fit together, I blamed the One True God for the things the god of this world was doing to me. I had mental turmoil and one fear, or another defeated me at every turn. My prayer was, “Why me?” It seemed like bad things always happened to me and I didn’t have any answers.

Now it is easy to differentiate between the One True God and the so-called god of this world, the devil. When you look at your life, your community, government, society, education, relationships, or any other segment of life, if you will look through the lens of God’s Word the true reality of which god is at work will become evident. The truth will make you free.

If we are to live a more abundant life we must be able to separate truth from error. Take everything back to the Word of God and look for the ultimate profit and you will be able to detect which god is at work. The One True God is light; understand how He works and the work of the adversary, the devil, will stand out like a sore thumb.

Dear ones, don’t allow the adversary to use the Word of God against you. The adversary works to get you into condemnation, anxiety, and depression. He holds the Word over your head like a hammer and uses it against you to cause you condemnation, fear, and worry, etc. He is the one that sets you up with situations and circumstances to trap you and get you to doubt God’s goodness to you instead of believing Him. His kingdom of darkness works to destroy people. He is like a spider that spins a web of deceit.

The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ sent His Son to save us, to deliver us, to heal us, to prosper us, to bring us peace, and give us access to God and eternal life. He sent Him to make Him known, and so that we could know His will. He sent him to deliver us from the oppression of the devil. The goodness of God leads us to a change of heart, not fear.

Our Father never uses people or possesses them. He gives us His Word and allows us to choose to obey Him and believe what He says, or not.

By His Divine favor He freely gives us all things with Christ. We don’t earn them; we couldn’t even if we wanted to. He gave us His spirit, the spirit of sonship. He will work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure as we operate the gift of holy spirit that is born within us. He hears our prayers and will grant us the petitions we desire of Him.

Beloved, we wrestle against the rulers of the darkness of this world – fight a good fight. You can’t stand on the side lines in this match; you must wrestle putting on the whole armor of God if you are to overcome. You must be strong in the Lord and in his exerted strength for you. We are not ignorant of our adversary’s devices. Don’t fall asleep at the switch; it is too costly.

We have the victory in Christ Jesus our Lord. Exercise yourself unto godliness. Be a good soldier of Jesus Christ; endure hard training as a good soldier. Don’t be entangled with the affairs of this life. Strive for the masteries so you may stand to receive the prize. Endure and faithfully walk with Him.

He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world. God made us more than conquerors in Christ Jesus our Lord. We are able men, enabled by the spirit of Christ in us. Stand dearly beloved, don’t bow. Our Father will back up His Word.

After looking to the examples of those who have gone before us, look away from them unto Jesus, the beginner and the finisher of the faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of God. Consider him that endured such a contradiction of sinners against himself, lest you be wearied and faint in your minds. You have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

Live with the love of God and do those things that please the Father. He is always present to deliver and to bless us. Look to Him for the deliverance you need and that others need.

Go, stand, and speak all the words of this life, and go with the power of God so you may do His will. Our God has not changed, dearly beloved. He is searching the earth for those who trust Him so that He may be strong on their behalf.