December 2022
How Does God Work with People?
Dearly beloved of God, throughout the Word of God, God teaches us how He works with people. As we read His Word we see this truth repeated in record after record. How does God work with people?
God is the Prime Mover; He gives His Word. People hear His Word, and they decide to carry out His instructions, or not to obey them. If they do listen to Him and believe what He says, then He performs His Word and provides the deliverance He said He would provide. He is God. We are human beings.
God is God. When He speaks, He expects us to listen to Him, and believe what He says. The right way of believing comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. God reveals His Word, and He expects us to believe what He says.
God exhorts us to study His Word to show ourselves approved unto Him as workmen who do need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. When we study His Word He will open the eyes of our understanding. God will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. He is not holding out on us.
God gave us His Word, and He expects us to believe the measure He has given us to believe, and renew our minds to it.
God exhorts us to speak His Word boldly, and He will establish His Word with signs, miracles, and wonders following. At times He will even send us to a certain person to speak to them. His part is to lead and guide us. Our part is to follow His instructions. Our part is to speak; God’s part is to work with us, and establish His Word.
God informs us that He works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. He energizes His spirit in us by the nine manifestations of the spirit. Jesus Christ said, “He that believes regarding me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father.” Our part is to walk with Him.
God instructs us to pray, and He informs us that He is faithful to hear our prayers. We know that we have the petitions we desire of Him because He says we do; we can be confident that hears and answers our prayers, therefore, we pray.
What else does He say about prayer?
The Word of God informs us that “what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.” See Mark 11:24. We are to “pray without ceasing.” See I Thessalonians 5:17, Romans 1:9, and II Timothy 1:3. Romans 12:12 says, “continuing instant [steadfastly] in prayer.” Colossians 4:2 says we are to continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Philippians 4:3 instructs us to “Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” II Corinthians 1:11 informs us that we can help together by prayer.
Prayer is our responsibility. Answering them is God’s responsibility. He is able and willing and faithful to hear and answer our prayers. He will provide the deliverance we ask of Him.
How long should we pray? Pray until you have your answer regardless of the time involved. Sometimes answers come quickly, and at other times it may require years.
God instructs us to pray, so we pray. We are to be faithful. God’s job is to answer our prayers and provide the deliverance. He is able, willing, and faithful to do His job. Let’s remember who does what, dearly beloved.
Dearly beloved, God is the Prime Mover. He gives us directions, and He expects us to carry them out. We should be concerned with our part; God promises that He will hold up His end, dearly beloved.
God is God; nothing is too hard for Him. If we are smart we will listen to Him, and respond to what He says by believing it.
God has revealed how He works with people. He is faithful that promised, dearly beloved of God. We believe God at His Word, and He brings His Word to pass as He has promised. He has the difficult part, not us.