July 2021
Joint Heirs With Christ
Dearly beloved of God, in Christ God our Father has blessed each and everyone of His children with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. We are complete in Christ, who is the head of all principality and power. It is “all in all” of us. The Father freely gives us all things with Christ. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory, and we are joint heirs with Christ.
In Christ each and every one of God’s children is justified, forgiven by the riches of His grace, which He has abounded toward us, and there is no more condemnation to those who are in Christ. He delivered us from the wrath to come.
In Christ, we were given access to God by the new birth spirit, and He exhorts us to use it with boldness and confidence.
In Christ, we have the spiritual ability to manifest the nine manifestations of holy spirit. The ability is in the gift; the spirit of sonship.
In Christ, we are sanctified, and we stand before God as holy and without blame. In His sight we are beloved, and highly favored.
In Christ, we are saved, redeemed, and reconciled to God.
In Christ, we have the hope of acquiring the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will be glorified together with him when he comes to gather us together up to meet him in the air.
We died with Christ, were buried with him, were made alive and risen with him, and sat down with him in the heavenly realm. In
Christ we were circumcised with the circumcision made without hands. In Christ we were buried with him in baptism, wherein we are risen with him through the energizing of God Who raised him from the dead. God quickened us together with him! Jesus Christ identified with us, so we could be as he is.
Christ gave us the victory over sin and death. As he died, and rose again, so those who sleep in Jesus will God bring from the dead with him.
We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus on the basis of his good works so that we can walk in them.
God made Christ the head of the Church, which is his body. Dearly beloved, the body is of Christ, and we share with him in his accomplishments.
All of these truths are written in the Word of God and addressed to the Church. Christ is all, and in all of God’s children. Since we are born of the spirit from God, put on the new man in your thinking and believing. Renew your mind to the complete spiritual reality of the new birth.
Let the word concerning Christ dwell in you richly. Dearly beloved of God, be strong in the Lord in the power of his might.
Rejoice, he is coming, and he has given us the victory over death. When he appears, we will be like him for we shall see him as he is. Rejoice forevermore; we are joint heirs with Christ!