Dearly Beloved
God Makes Good on His Word
Dearly beloved of God, everything that God says is possible is possible because He stands behind His promises.
He said, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?”
Nothing is too hard for Him. He is able to deliver and He says that He is willing to do it if we will believe what He says. He is not a respecter of persons but of believing.
God created the heavens and the earth. He raised Jesus Christ from the dead. He made eternal life available through Jesus Christ. There is nothing too hard for Him. When we believe what He says, we can be confident that He is able and willing to perform it.
God does not lie as men do. God does not make promises He is not willing to perform.
When God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary with the message that she would bring forth His only begotten Son by Divine conception, he said, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
The word translated “nothing” is, “pan rhema,” in the Greek, which means, “every word”. The statement emphasizes that nothing God says is impossible for Him to perform. Weymouth’s version reflects this truth.
Luke 1:37, “For no promise from God will be impossible of fulfilment”.
God will not fail to perform a single word that He promises. He has the power to perform it and He obligated Himself to do what He promised. He committed Himself to His Word.
God’s Word is His binding pledge that He will do what He says He will do. He will not fail to perform anything that He has promised. We have His Word on it.
What was Mary’s response? She said, “Be it unto me according to thy word”. That is believing!
According to her culture, Mary would have been a teenager at this time. She believed that she would conceive by a divine act and bear the only begotten Son of God as God’s messenger said.
In the face of what seemed impossible sense knowledge wise, she said, “Be it unto me according to thy word”. She believed that God would fulfill His Word as He said. That is what it is to believe!
When Mary went to visit Elizabeth, Elizabeth prophesied: “And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.”
This must have been a tremendous comfort to Mary. Did she believe? Did God perform His Word? Jesus Christ was born exactly as God said he would be born; where He said, when He said, to whom He said he would be born, despite every attempt by the adversary to prevent it.
Whose idea was Jesus Christ’s birth? It was God’s idea. Who brought His Word to pass? God did.
What did Mary do? She believed the Word of God that the angel delivered to her. She took His Word for it.
We can respond to the Word of God addressed to us by believing it as Mary believed the Word of God given to her. God had this written so that we can learn from her example of believing.
It does not matter whether we need eternal life, healing, or an answer to prayer, believing God’s Word is the key to receiving it.
Circumstances do not limit God. He is able and willing to do whatever He says He will do. Nothing is too hard for Him.
When you stand on the Word of God, you are standing in the presence of the Living God. He will not; He cannot break His Word.
Numbers 23:19a: “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”
It is God’s responsibility to fulfill His Word. “Hath He spoken, and shall he not make it good?”
God is greater than any difficulty we may face, and He is able and willing to deliver us. Respond to Him by believing what He says.
Our situation may seem impossible to us, but not to Him. When we believe the Word of God addressed to us we will witness the delivering power of God in our lives. Our God is not a respecter of persons.
God’s Word is a present tense reality and He promises to fulfill it as we believe Him to fulfill it. He is not a respecter of persons, but of believing.
When we take God at His Word, we are standing in the presence of Almighty God Who is not only able, He is willing to supply, defend, support and deliver us, dearly beloved.