September 2017

Corrupt or Sound?

Dearly beloved, our Father does not want us deceived by the serpent’s craftiness as Eve was. He does want our thinking processes corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

You cannot study darkness if you want to learn the truth; you must study the light of God’s Word if you are to have your eyes enlightened so that you know what to believe. Light dispels darkness. Darkness prevents us from seeing things clearly. God’s Word is light.

We are not to be conformed to the ideas, philosophies, religious views, political opinions, and world wisdom of this age; they will corrupt your thinking processes. If we decide to frame our thinking in this manner, we will not accommodate the spirit of God so that it can work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure.

Instead, we should frame our minds with the Father’s ideas, His will and purposes, which we learn from His Word; we think as it pleases Him. If we think about things as He thinks about them, we will be spiritually minded; not carnally minded, and our thinking processes will not become corrupted. As we think in this manner we can be led by the spirit of sonship.

Our Father does not want our thinking processes corrupted as Eve’s were when she believed the serpent’s word instead of God’s. When she entertained the knowledge of evil and rejected the goodness of God it did not enlighten her, it seduced her from the truth and her thinking processes were corrupted. When this occurred she no longer believed what God said; she believed the father of lies instead. How’d that work out?

The serpent, who is the devil, Satan, our adversary, cannot be trusted at his word: God can. His Word is true and faithful. God is not a man who lies or who changes his mind one second to the next; He does not vary, and there is no darkness in Him at all. He is light and we can trust what He says to be the truth. He is true and faithful, and He has the power that enables Him to perform His Word. Believe who you are in Christ.

The adversary does not want us to understand spiritual matters as the One True God does. He wants us to remain ignorant, doubtful, afraid, and unbelieving when it comes to God’s Word and will. The adversary’s wisdom is not from above; it is earthly, sensual, and devilish; you cannot trust it; it only leads to ruin.

God’s wisdom is quite different. It is first pure – it does not corrupt our thinking processes as the adversary’s wisdom does. It is then peaceful, gently forbearing, and easy to be entreated; it is full of mercy and without hypocrisy.

Beloved, nothing is too hard for our Father; He says so. Compare what you are now facing to His ability and willingness to perform His Word. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and He did it with the power of His Word; the One who sent His Son to save us according to His Word; the One that raised Jesus from death to eternal life according to His Word; Who will send His Son for us according to His Word, and Who will one day make all things new again because, He says, “My words are true and faithful.” Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you; He says so.

Our Father is Who He says He is, He can do what He says He can do, and He is willing to do it. How big is your problem next to Him? Think this way and believe His Word; It is true and faithful, and as He has said, so it shall be. Don’t let your thinking about your situation be corrupted by the old serpent; frame your mind with the truth and light of God’s Word, beloved. Have sound thinking, not corrupt.