September 2017

We Walk by Believing

Dearly beloved by the Father, there are many things people are concerned about today, but unfortunately, people do not see things as God does. While people are concerned with this sin or that, God reveals that “everything that is not from believing is sin.”

In the Garden, the serpent worked to deceive Eve from believing what God said and to convince her to believe what he said. She was deceived and convinced her husband to believe the serpent’s words, also. Adam was not seduced, he disobeyed. They both missed the mark, which is what sin is.

In the book of Revelation, we learn that our adversary the devil deceives the whole world. He works to deceive people to get them to believe his ideas, his lies, his words, instead of God’s.

The bottom line is that "everything that is not from believing is sin.” In the age of the grace of God and the mystery we should believe regarding the Lord Jesus Christ, in his accomplished work, and who God reveals that we are in Christ.

“Believing [faith] comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God.” Believing is to have trust and confidence in the information God reveals to us, therefore, we walk out on it.

As dearly beloved by the Father, we ought to hear what He addresses to us and which concerns us, and believe it, align our thinking with it, confess it, walk in it, manifest it: “for we walk by believing, not by sight (appearance).”

We received grace for the obedience of believing concerning Christ Jesus our Lord. Believing is to be founded on God’s Word.

The gospel of God concerning Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes it. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith (believing). Believing comes by hearing the Word of God and our believing rests upon His Word.

The Lord Jesus Christ believed to fulfill God’s Word and finish His work; He always did his Father’s will.

He was the author and finisher of the right way of believing, and we are justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus by believing on him. Therefore, being justified by believing, we have peace with God, and by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ we have access into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

God has dealt the measure of faith, He has distributed the foundation for believing to each one of us. He supplied us with the revelation of His Word concerning Christ so that we can walk by believing, beloved.

The new birth was not the end of our believing, it was the starting point. Now we walk with God as we walk by believing, not by sight. Believing pleases our Father; He is a rewarder of those that believe Him.

We should be like Abraham who believed that God was able and willing to perform what He promised. He staggered not at the promise through unbelief, He was strong in believing, giving glory to God. He was fully persuaded that what He promised, He was able also to perform. He received the promise from God when he was 75; he received the child of promise when he was about 100 years old.

If you want would like to read more examples of believing, read Hebrews 11-12:4. While we remain here until Christ returns for us, we walk by believing, beloved.