March 2017

Who Has the Answers?

Dearly beloved saint, “Who directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor has taught Him. With whom took He counsel, and who instructed Him, and taught Him in the path of judgment, and taught Him knowledge, and showed to Him the way of Understanding?” It certainly wasn’t man.

“Behold, the nations are as a drop hanging from a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, He takes up the isles as a very little thing.” “All nations before Him are as nothing; and they are counted to Him less than nothing, and vanity.” The book of Isaiah contains these and so many other truths.

God created man; He is not a figment of man’s imagination. Man is not capable of judging his Creator, nor is he capable of rendering His power and knowledge as inferior to his: fool!

The natural man, as well as those inspired by the so-called “god of this world”, the devil, are not on par with the Creator’s understanding. Man’s limited understanding expressed in science, philosophy, theology, politics, etc., are not on same level with His creative genius.

Their speculations are deficient and sadly lacking next to His superior knowledge. Their strength is weak compared to the exceeding greatness of His exerted power. They are but a drop in the bucket next to Him.

God created the heavens and the earth, and life, and man in His image, which is spirit. Man was seduced by the god of this world and he sold his birthright to him for a knowledge of evil. He cast aside his God-given relationship with God and the dominion God gave him over His creation for a paltry knowledge of his lie.

God, in His providence, determined the plan of salvation, and by the exercise of His strength He will fulfill the plan of the ages which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. He sent the Savior, the Savior paid the price of salvation, and he will fulfill the complete reality when he returns. He will raise the dead in Christ or change us if we are yet alive when he returns, and together we will inherit eternal life and be glorified together with him.

We will witness the healing of the heavens and earth from the bondage of corruption to which they are now subject. He will make all things new again, beloved.

Today we have the new birth; at his return, we will arrive unto the full-grown man unto the measure of stature of the fullness of Christ.

Man did not reveal the plan of the ages, nor did he declare the end from the beginning. No, he is as frail as the grass that withers away; here today and gone tomorrow. He cannot see beyond the grave, nor can he deliver himself from it. The answers he needs are not in himself.

The Lord God Almighty has the answers and He willingly gives them to those who ask.

He proved it by raising His Son, Jesus, out from among the rest of the dead. In fact, He declared Jesus as His Son by raising him from the dead as a kind of first fruits.

Those who confess Jesus as Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead shall be saved. When Christ returns for those who he purchased with his life, we will inherit eternal life as he did.

Jesus was willing to offer his life for ours because he believed that God’s Word was sure and faithful. He believed that God would raise him from the dead according to His Word. He believed that the Word of God could not be broken! God proved that His Word is true and faithful by fulfilling it.

Our God has revealed what Is in His heart and mind to us by giving us His Word. All the answers we need for life and godliness are found within its pages. Between its covers, we can learn the mind of the Lord.

His Son made it possible to freely receive His spirit, also, and the Word of God teaches us how to operate it for godly profit in our lives.

Man’s ways are always right in his own eyes because he is spiritually blind. His track record is dismal at best. Thanks to the devil, the same spirit that seduced Eve and inspired Adam to believe his lie rather than God's truth, man exists in a world imbued with every form of hurt and condemnation, regrets, failures, fears, poverty, addictions of various kinds, divorce, mental breakdowns and other mental prisons that hold him captive, incurable sicknesses, premature death (for that matter all death), suicide, and captivity of every sort. He cannot see what awaits his next step. His resources are meager compared to God’s.

Why would anyone so desperate reject the only true help they will ever find? Why would he trust in himself and not in the Living God who loves him and leads him to a change of heart by His goodness, gentleness, forbearance?

Beloved, the goodness of God leads us to a change of heart and it encourages us to turn to Him. His deliverance is available. He works in all things for good to those who love Him. He has the answers we so desperately need and He will freely give them to those who ask.

The devil is the one who steals, kills, and destroys; Christ came so that we could have life, and that we may have it more abundantly! Almighty God has the answers we need. Ask and you shall receive. They are available to everyone, beloved.