September 2019

Grab That Mind

Dearly beloved of God, all power in heaven and in earth is given to the Lord Jesus Christ, and God placed us in Christ as members of his body. We share with him in all he accomplished. We are as he is, beloved.

Why don’t God’s people walk in this tremendous reality? Either they are ignorant of the will of God because they don’t know God’s Word, or they are held prisoner to sin consciousness. You cannot replay the loop of past sins over and over in your mind and walk in this reality. The old man is dead; leave him in the casket that was buried with Jesus Christ. You are a new man in Christ!

If we are to walk in the reality of who we are in Christ we must believe who God made us in him. We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus on the basis of his good works and we are to walk in them.

We are no longer dead in sin; we are dead to sin. We have newness of life, eternal life. The Divine nature lives within us. The life we now live in the flesh is by Christ living in us. The spirit from God that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us!

God forgave us in Jesus Christ for our past sins by the riches of His grace. They are lost in His forgetfulness. There is no other sacrifice to be made for them; they are over with as far as He is concerned. Believe it and walk in the reality that God gave His only begotten Son to accomplish.

We are God’s habitations by the spirit. We are the sons of God with power. We are joint heirs with Christ; walk in the joy, the power, and the glory of that reality today.

Practice the presence of God in your life. Jesus Christ delivered you from the power of darkness; it is a present tense reality – believe it. When Christ gets the go-sign from His Father, he will return and deliver us from this evil world and from death if it has overtaken us.

Nothing can separate us from him! We are members of his body, seated in him before God as holy and without blame, justified, and awaiting to be glorified with Christ! Our Father blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm in Christ!

Dearly beloved, Jesus Christ became as we were so that we might be as he is. He who knew no sin became a sin offering for us so that we might be the righteousness of God in him.

Rejoice forevermore! Believe it and live in that reality today. Grab your mind and make it track with the Word and will of God.

Dearly beloved, he shared with us so we could share with him in his accomplishments! Walk like a son of God with power. It’s Christ in you, the hope of glory!!