January 2020

Governed by the Children of Wrath

Dearly beloved and highly favored by God, we can thank God that He saved us from this crooked and perverse age and from the wrath to come. We are no longer the children of disobedience, who are by nature the children of wrath. We no longer walk according to the course of this world run by the prince of this world, the adversary.

The world is insane; if you don’t believe it, just turn on the news. Evil men and seducers get worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Beloved, “ideas” that people embrace originate from either the One True God, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, or the god of this world, the devil. God's Word teaches us the difference between the two gods and what they teach. It enables us to separate the truth from error.

By His Divine power God gave us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of His will, furthermore He gave us exceeding great and precious promises that by these we could be partakers of His divine nature by being born again of His spirit.

How does this relate to governments?

God was originally Israel's King, until they forsook Him and wanted to be like all the other nations. Regardless of men's ideas, no government of man is perfect, and we will not see perfect government and justice until the King of kings, and Lord of lords governs the earth in righteousness. He will carry out God’s will on earth.

The ungodly will no more like his rule then than they do today.

We live in one of the freest and most prosperous nations the world has ever seen, yet there are those in our society who think socialism would be better. These folks ought to spend a year in a socialist run country and see if they still hold the same opinion.

If you can’t travel, ask someone who has experienced living under socialism firsthand, such as in Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, or China. You will find that those who have escaped its tyranny are among the greatest patriots in our Republic. They truly understand its oppression.

By the way, the Scandinavian countries are not socialist, they are democracies and the President of Norway has asked Bernie Sanders several times to stop calling them socialists.

To learn we must have a reference for truth outside of the individual seeking. For the children of God this reference for truth is the Word of God. For the citizens of the United States it is the Constitution along with the Bill of Rights.

Do you want to know why there is such a desire by socialists to get rid of the Constitution? The Constitution is based on principles of true liberty which come from God. The United States was formed to be one nation under God.

The Socialist, Wilhelm Liebknecht wrote, “It is our duty as Socialists to root out the faith in God with all our zeal, nor is one worthy of the name [socialist] who does not consecrate himself to the spread of atheism.”

In spite of Socialists atheistic beliefs, there are “Christians” who think that socialism is moral; they are ignorant and deceived.

The Socialist movement is against any form “of faith in God.” It wages war against every form of religious belief. Socialism receives a great backing from people who are ignorant of the truth of the Word of God, and ignorant of the God-given freedoms enumerated in the constitution, and who are ignorant of history and the destruction it has brought to one society after another. They are deceived. It is a failed experiment.

The religion of Socialism is humanism, and they worship at the altar of Darwin, and teach from the pulpit of “scientific” theory.

Why do I say this? Engels said, “Beyond nature and man there exists nothing.” That’s humanism. This is why they speak of “human rights,” instead of God-given rights.

Romans 1:18 ff speaks of humanism. They change the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature in the place of the Creator. Humanism is idolatry.

They worship at the altar of Darwin. Why do I say this? “It [socialism] is the Darwinian struggle of the individual for existence transferred from nature to society with intensified violence. The conditions of existence natural to the animal appear as the final term of human development.” Engels

Engels said, “The first act by virtue of which the State really constitutes itself the representative of the whole of society — the taking possession of the means of production in the name of society — this is, at the same time, its last independent act as a State.”

This is why the “Green New Deal” is so important to them; it is the means of the state taking possession of the means of production in the name of society under the guise of so-called science. This is not only being pushed in our country, but worldwide.

They introduce fear to add urgency to their lie. They say if we don’t do it in eight years it will be too late; the world will come to an end; another lie. By the way, they have been espousing ideas like this as far back as the 70's. If you are old enough you will remember their "scientific prophecy" of the coming ice age.

Socialists want power, not deliverance. Thank God, He hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and a sound mind.

Socialists say that they will bring about a utopia. History teaches us that it does just the opposite.

Socialism truly does bring about equality; it makes every person equally poor, and all citizens are equally subservient to the state, and the state decides what equal human rights, if any, the citizen may have.

Under socialism, all citizens are free of equal rights under the law. All have equally lousy health care if they have any. All will have equal free state education, or I should say indoctrination. If citizens do not submit to their reeducation, they just kill them; read the historical record of socialism. If you live under socialism long enough, you won't worry about rights; if you survive you will be more concerned about eating.

Under socialism the rule of law is cast aside for what the majority in power dictates; the minority have no rights, no freedom of speech, no right to bear arms to protect yourself, no redress against the state, no cross examination in the courtroom, no freedom to worship God.

God is always concerned with the individual; socialism with the collective. God gives us free will; socialism strives to control it.

The problem with “the state” is that people run it; not just any people, but people that are dead in sin, godless men, atheists who are not led by the spirit of God, but by the god of this world. They are the children of disobedience and the children of the wrath, run by the prince of the power of the air. This is why it has, and always will fail.

They do not understand that the root of man’s problems is not economic, it is spiritual. He is dead in sin, and no government can change his heart, or nature; only Jesus Christ can make him whole.

God wants us to prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers in all things; which not only includes material abundance and good health, but also peace of mind, the joy of fellowship, and all grace so that we always have all sufficiency in all things. God supplies all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, not by a worldly government.

If you pull back the curtain of socialism you will see “Oz, the Great and Terrible,” the god behind this devilish system.

Dearly beloved, there are no answers without the knowledge of God’s Word. Where there is no knowledge of God the people perish. God wants every man to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth; the truth will make you free.

God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge of His Word, or they will have the eyes of their understanding enlightened by His Word. Which will it be, dearly beloved?