December 2019

Tell It Like It Is

Dearly beloved of God, our Father tells us what is in His heart concerning us. We don’t have to embrace the false confessions of religion, nor imagine things that are not the truth. He revealed what was in His heart concerning us in His love letters addressed to us.

First of all, the Father reveals how much He loves us. He loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for us. I would say that makes us pretty valuable in His sight. He calls us His dear children, His dearly beloved, and highly favored children.

Our Father justified us in Christ by his work – by the giving of his life for ours. Our sins and short comings are forgiven by the riches of His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

He redeemed us in Christ from sin and its reign over us and He will send His Son to finish what he started. He is coming to gather us unto him in the air; to raise the dead in Christ and transform those of us who are living so that we are like him. We will obtain the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ!

We have the inheritance our Heavenly Father tells us we have in Christ! Ours is a hope of glory, but even today He has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm.

He seated us in Christ before Him in the heavenly realm. We are before Him, seated in His sight in Christ as dear children that are holy and without blame.

We are members of the body of Christ and He filled each and every one of us with every spiritual blessing that is in Christ. No one in this body lacks a single one of Christ's accomplishments concerning us. Every one of them is in each and every one of us. I would say that is great grace, wouldn’t you?

He tells us that we stand before Him clothed in Christ's righteousness without any sense of sin, guilt, or condemnation, and that we will never again come into condemnation. Nothing can separate us from His love that is in Christ Jesus. His grace is beyond anything we could ever imagine.

He reveals that He gave us access to Him in Christ by the new birth spirit; access we can freely utilize to boldly come before Him to worship and to find His help in time of need.

Our Heavenly Father did all of this and so much more according to the good pleasure of His will; no one forced Him to do all of this for us. We are the objects of great grace indeed!

We ought to say what He says about us. We are His beloved and we should treat one another as beloved brethren. We ought to lift one another up with words that remind one another of His goodness and great grace to us. What do we have that we did not receive by the grace of God?

The world is not going to tell you what is in the Father’s heart, His desires and longings. They speak words that the god of this world feeds them; words of hate, bitterness, division, and destruction.

We ought to speak what we know and believe our Father has so freely given us in Christ. He has not withheld any of His goodness to us. He freely gave us all things with Christ.

We ought to speak with the love of God; words of grace that make people whole. Words that uplift and relieve people of their burdens; fitly spoken words.

We ought to speak the truth in love and back our words up with godly action. We ought to be doers of God's Word, not hearers only. Whatever we say or do, we ought to do the will of God with singleness of heart as to the Lord.

Be imitators of God. Speak edifying words, words that build up and encourage, words that heal and minister deliverance. Words that make whole; loving words of kindness.

The adversary is the liar; he constantly spreads his venomous lies. He thinks if he lies big enough and he says them long enough people will buy into them. He deserves some credit; he is a pretty good liar and deceiver.

We ought to be as committed to speak what our Father says about His beloved children. He says that we are living epistles, known and read by all men. The words we speak are the words of truth. They are living words that can save those who are hopeless and drowning in his sea of lies.

We are the lights in this evil world. Darkness does not extinguish light; it only makes it brighter. Shine on, dearly beloved! Make the Father’s heart known to someone else who was just like you before you heard what was in His heart.

Happy holidays, and Merry Christmas, dearly beloved.