Truth Versus Religion
Dearly beloved of God, you may wonder why I talk about the Word of God so much in these posts. The Word of God reveals the Will of God to us. It is our only reference for truth when it comes to spiritual matters.
If we do not know what God reveals about a subject we do not know the truth about it, we only know someone’s opinion, and their suppositions about it. This is the very essence of religion.
Christianity revolves around Christ Jesus the Lord and his accomplishments, while religion revolves around the works of the flesh.
God declares that He is Light, and there is no darkness in Him. Our adversary, the devil, purports to be an angel of light, but he is darkness, and there is no truth in him. He is the father of lies. This is true from Genesis 3:1 to Revelation 21 when he will meet his judgment. The devil, or Satan is the author of all religion.
God reveals the truth to us in His Word, and it is usually the exact opposite of what religion teaches. For example:
God says He is One, the One True God, while religion says that He is a trinity.
God says that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; religion says he is God the Son.
God reveals that He is Spirit, and that Jesus Christ was a man, the second Adam; religion says that Jesus is God.
God says that we are saved by grace; religion says we are saved by good works.
God says we are born again of incorruptible seed; religion says we can backslide out of salvation.
God says the dead in Christ will be raised when Christ returns; religion says you die and go to heaven.
God says that speaking in tongues is speaking by the spirit of God, and that it is the proof of your salvation, inheritance, and of the glory to come. Religion says that it is devilish.
God says that speaking in tongues is by your free will; religion says it is by possession, and it is to be slain by the spirit.
God says that we are justified by Jesus Christ’s accomplishments; religion teaches we will be judged by our works.
God says we are sanctified by the new birth spirit; religion says that it is by works.
God says that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man; religion says that others mediate, like Mary, dead saints, and other imposters.
God says He is not a respecter of persons, religion says He is.
God said that His Son sent the baptism of the holy spirit; religion says we must be water baptized.
God says Christ was the end of the law for righteousness; religion says we are still under the law.
God says that communion is a memorial of Jesus Christ’s accomplishments concerning forgiveness and healing; religion teaches transubstantiation.
God says He forgives our sins and remembers them no more; religion holds them over your head to keep you in line.
God says that there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus; religion preaches guilt and condemnation.
God says that each of His children are complete in Christ, and have all in all of them; religion teaches that some have more than others.
God says that when you die, you are dead, and remain dead until Jesus Christ raises the dead. Religion says that the dead are alive and we can communicate with them in a séance.
God says we are to walk by the spirit; by the sonship rights, privileges, and spirit ability which enables us to manifest the spirit we received in the new birth. Religion teaches possession, spiritualism, spiritism, and psychic phenomena.
These are only a few examples, but these should suffice to teach the point. It does not matter what subject we are talking about, dearly beloved of God, the Word of God can be our only reference for truth when it comes to spiritual matters if you want to know the truth about it. God’s Word is truth.