Dearly Beloved
Whose Presence Do You Practice?
Dearly beloved of God, practice the presence of God, and do not be concerned with the presence of the adversary.
God our Father is present, and He is accessible to those who are born again of the spirit. We are His beloved and highly favored children. We are accepted in the beloved one, Christ Jesus. Our Father will never leave us, nor ever, ever forsake us. He is for us, not against us, and He cares for us, so cast your cares upon Him. He made us more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.
This is the right, correct way of believing. It is based on information that God Himself revealed to us in His Word.
Do not be concerned with the presence of Satan and the evil he orchestrates in this evil age; be concerned with the presence of God.
The adversary’s day in court will come, and his end is assured, but it will not come in man’s day; it will take place in the Day of the Lord. No political movement will bring it about regardless of how wonderful it is. God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, will bring about his end.
If you want to deliver people from evil, speak the truth of God’s Word, get them born again, educate them about their sonship rights as children of God, their privileges in God’s household as citizens of heaven, and the ability that is theirs in the new birth.
Teach them about God’s great love wherewith He loved them, His rich mercy, and His great grace toward them in Christ Jesus, and of His goodness that leads us to a change of believing.
Teach people that God freely gives us all things with His beloved Son. In Christ we are saved, redeemed, sanctified, justified, and we will be glorified with him when he is manifested. In Christ we are members of the household of God.
God our Father blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. He chose us in Christ to be holy and without blame before Him, He gave us access to Him as our Father by the new birth spirit, and He encourages us to come to Him with boldness and confidence because of the accomplished believing of Jesus Christ our Lord.
God’s throne of grace is open to us. He hears our prayers, and He answers them. Therefore draw near to Him with boldness, and speak freely with Him so that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Practice the presence of God, dearly beloved of God.
God our Father is light, and in Him in no darkness at all, not even a shadow of turning. Be an expert at recognizing His goodness, His righteousness, His grace, His love, His mercy, His faithfulness.
God delivered us from the power of darkness. The devil is darkness, and the kingdoms of this world are under his authority today. He showed Jesus Christ all the kingdoms of the world, and he said, "All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me, and to whosoever I will I give it." This will change when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to the earth in the Lord's Day.
Our adversary the devil is the father of lies, and there is no truth in him. He is the deceiver that deceives the whole world. He deceives people with words, the same as he deceived Eve in the garden. He deceived her by offering her a knowledge of evil. It led to their ruin. 
The Word of God is the Will of God. God reveals Who He is in His Word. He is the God of salvation. He is the God of light. He is the God of peace. He is the God of forgiveness. He is the God of love. He is the God of all grace. He is the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort. He is the God that heals us. He is the God of the hope. He is the God of glory, and much more. Furthermore, dearly beloved, He does not change. He is faithful, and we can trust Him at His Word. Practice His presence in your life.
We do not need to become experts on evil; God wants us to become experts at believing His Word. His Word is light, and it is a lamp unto our feet.
If we will practice the presence of God, and believe who we are in Christ, it is more than enough to triumph in the situations we face in this life.
The best is yet to come. Thanks be unto God, Who gives us the victory over sin and death through the Lord Jesus Christ.
When Christ returns to gather us up to meet him in the air, we will always be with him from that day forward. When the Lord Jesus Christ returns for us he will deliver us from death and this evil age, and we will obtain the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ; God says so in II Thessalonians 2:14.
Dearly beloved of God, practice the presence of God. He is our Father. The gospel of God concerning Christ is the power of God unto salvation. The just shall live by believing the Word of God concerning Christ. Be concerned with His presence.