Our Delivering God
Dearly beloved of God, our God is a delivering God. He delivered Israel from their bondage in Egypt by His mighty power; it is unparalleled in history.
If this had happened today it would be in the news around the world. Put yourself in the shoes of those who lived through this short period of time.
First, there was the plague of turning the water into blood. It was followed by the plague of the frogs, then of the dust becoming lice, then the flies, then the cattle dying, then of the dust which brought boils, then very grievous hail, then of the locusts, then the plague of darkness for three days, and finally the death of all the firstborn in the land of Egypt.
The children of Israel witnessed these ten plagues, then they witnessed the Passover and they left Egypt without one feeble knee among them; over two million of them, and they spoiled Egypt leaving with their wealth. This happened in the first month.
God led them with the pillar of a cloud by day, and a pillar of fire to give them light at night.
They walked through the Red Sea on dry ground, while the Egyptian army was destroyed as they pursued them into the sea.
God delivered them with a strong hand. Who could forget these events in a lifetime, much less in a few months? Read Psalm 78 for the answer.
In Exodus 20 we read of God giving them the law, and He prefaced it by reminding them of what He had done for them over the past three months. They should not have forgotten such miraculous recent events. They should have been indelibly etched into their minds, but God’s Word was not in their hearts.
Follow these events up with the events at Kadesh-Barnea and you will learn why they did not enter the land that God promised to give them for forty years. They did not believe what God told them, so they wandered in the wilderness of Sin for forty years.
Dearly beloved, when God raised Jesus Christ from the dead it was a greater miracle than these events. The miracle of the new birth is the greatest miracle in the Word of God to this point. What has God done for us?
He has saved us, sent the promise of the spirit, redeemed us, justified us, forgiven us, and given us access to Him by the spirit. He made us the righteousness of God in Christ. He sanctified us, and made us holy and without blame before Him in Christ. He made us members of the body of Christ, and members of His household. He blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. He freely gives us all things with His Son.
In Christ and by his accomplishments we are now the children of God, and his heirs, and joint heirs with Christ. He gave us an inheritance, and we will be glorified together with Christ; we will obtain the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. God has made a new covenant with us, that of the spirit.
Dearly beloved, we each and every one of us share with Christ in his accomplishments. We should walk in them. We should never forget the monumental work of God in Christ from the new birth to time we will receive the inheritance.
It is a spiritual fight, not a senses battle today. We must be strong in the Lord and in his supernatural power; he will exert it for our deliverance if we believe him.
As Israel was commanded to remember the Lord their God that brought them out of the bondage of Egypt, so we should remember the delivering power of God toward us in Christ, and walk with Him by believing what He instructs us to believe in His Word.
Dearly beloved, we should be faithful to God our Father and walk with Him by believing. He is faithful that promised, and He is able and willing to perform His Word in our lives as He did for Israel in Egypt. He is our delivering God.
God our Father is our sufficiency in all things, all the time. Nothing is too hard for Him. His grace toward us is sufficient for us regardless of circumstances that confront us. Look to Him; He is our delivering God.