A Reality Check

Dearly beloved, God, our Father created the heavens and the earth, and the garden of Eden for man. This earth is the only planet to have an abundance of animals, plants, and people because it alone has the conditions necessary to support life. He created it for man.

When He created, formed, and made man, He gave him the dominion over the works of His hands. The old serpent, the devil, usurped man’s dominion and the ground was cursed, thorned, and thistled. Adam died spiritually, and then hundreds of years later he died physically. The serpent’s end is coming, and we will witness it!

Beloved, Christ Jesus our Lord will have dominion when he returns to the earth. All Israel will be a garden of abundance for His people. The Lord will return as King of kings and Lord of lords and reign for a thousand years. He will subdue every enemy and break them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

He has come to the earth as the Lamb of God and given his life so that all could be saved if they would turn to him; confess him as Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead. He alone achieved the work of salvation that can deliver from sin, death, and destruction, as well as the healing of the earth.

Everything God did for man was the good pleasure of His will to do so. Salvation and eternal life are His ideas. He developed the plans to accomplish these realities. Today we have the down payment of these future realities. They are our inheritance which is to come, and it will come! The reality for which we hope is as certain as his first coming; it draws nearer and nearer with every day that passes.

Even today, as we walk with God He fulfills His promises in our lives. His will is only good towards us – never doubt it. He provided us with a Savior and Lord. In Christ, He saved us, forgave us, and blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ. He gave us access by His spirit and encourages us to use it boldly with confidence.

He exhorts us to walk with Him by believing what He says, whether it is written in His Word or He gives us revelation by His spirit in specific situations.

In Christ, our Father extends open and free access to Him by prayer. He hears and promises to answer us. Take Him up on His offer; He tells us to pray without ceasing and to be confident that He not only hears us but gives us the petitions we desire of Him.

The adversary attacks us today, but God instructs us that we are more than conquerors in Christ. Stand! Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his exerted strength for us. Stand! Stand in your completeness in Christ. Stand, and stay on watch in prayer in the spirit for all saints. Our deliverance draws nigh.

God’s grace is sufficient for us, dearly beloved. His power is perfectly accomplished in our weakness. He is our sufficiency in all things at all times. Walk with Him, use your access, believe Him, and hope until the day you meet His Son in the air and see him face to face. Not a word of His promise shall fail, dearly beloved, not a single word.

Over four fifths of the events He prophesied of in His Word have come to pass; the rest are forthcoming. They are as sure and certain as the fact that you are reading these words. He is coming!

Rejoice, and again I say rejoice, dearly beloved. There is nothing good that He will withhold from those who love Him; that is our reality in Christ.