Walking with God

Dearly beloved of God, until we come to the place that we understand and believe that the Word of God says what it means and means what it says, we will not know what God has made available to us, nor know how to manifest it in our lives.

The Word of God must be our reference for learning when it comes to spiritual matters. God reveals Himself to us through His written Word. The Word of God reveals His will to us, and He does not want us ignorant of it.

The scriptures are God’s revelation, His revealing of Himself, and they provide us with enlightened understanding. If we are to get the results that He makes available to us, we must receive the Word of God from God; we must take Him at His Word and believe what He says.

Jesus Christ said, “You do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.”

These religious leaders were ignorant of God’s Word, nor did they believe that He had the power to perform it; we certainly don’t want to be like them.

At the close of his ministry Jesus Christ said, “I have given them Thy Word.” Considering all that he could have said to sum up his life’s work; his statement is remarkable. God’s Word is indeed profitable to us.

As we believingly walk out on God’s Word, we can be certain that God is not only able to perform His Word; He is willing to do it, also.

The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ does not work by possessing people, by using them as channels, by controlling them; He works with people who renew their minds according to His Word and believe who they are in Christ.

Beloved, God gave us the gift of holy spirit; it is power from on high, spiritual ability. We believe to operate the spiritual ability that He gave us in the new birth, and He energizes the manifestations in us.

God is faithful to perform His Word; we should be faithful to Him.

We sign contracts to buy houses, cars, insurance policies, appliances, etc., and we take for granted that they will be fulfilled; why not believe that God will honor His contracts with us?

What is too hard for God? What circumstance could possibly be greater than our God? What good thing has He withheld from those who love Him? He freely gave us all things with Christ, dear ones.

He is faithful, dearly beloved; faithfully take Him at His Word. We walk by believing, not by sight.