The Goodness of God

Dearly beloved, the riches of the goodness of God lead us to a change of heart. That's quite a lesson to learn.

When He restored the heavens and the earth everything He did for man was "very good". He gave man the truth while the adversary gave him the lie, and told him that he would be like God. He said that evil could improve on His goodness. After man bought into the serpent's lie has been nothing but vanity.

God sent His Son who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him. The adversary has turned this around into devilish doctrines too, saying that sickness is the will of God, and that deliverance from devil spirits is an archaic belief since we now have psychology; more lies.

God sent His Son to make Him known; to declare Him. He always did His Father's will.

The adversary murdered him. His people lied about the resurrection for money, but the proof was undeniable; God raised His Son from the dead validating and authenticating that Jesus was indeed the only begotten Son of God. He was seen of hundreds of witnesses after God raised him.

By the goodness of God He offered all men salvation if they would confess Jesus as Lord and believe that He raised him from the dead. He even gave us the Church Epistles explaining in detail what this meant, and He goes to great lengths to explain His great grace to us. He explained that we receive from Him by believing; by having trust and confidence that God will perform His Word.

After murdering His Son you would think that He would have turned against us and retaliated by showing us His wrath; but no, He showed us His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, and freely offered us salvation by His unfathomable grace.

His goodness leads us to a change of heart beloved, not the lies of this world. Our God is not against you, He is for you and freely gives us all things with Christ.

He doesn't dwell in earthly temples, but in those who receive His spirit and worship Him in spirit and in truth, and His goodness will lead us all the days of our lives.