What’s in Your Mouth?

Dearly beloved, God’s Word is a living, powerful word. It can minister to a broken heart and heal it. It can change the course of a life. It can give eternal life to those who hear it. God’s Word can do what no other can.

When we speak God’s words in the worship manifestations they minister to the heart edification, comfort, and exhortation. They strike needs that only God knows exist. They have the power to heal.

When we read and believe the written Words of God they build our believing. Faith comes by hearing; hearing the Word of God.

We have the power of life or death in the tongue. We can speak to edify and give life to the hearers or we can speak words that destroy believing; words that tear down and sicken.

When we act as God’s witnesses, He energizes the power of His Word and His spirit in us to the end we can minister the salvation of the new birth to those who are dead in sin. He enables us to do the works Christ did and greater.

What makes God’s Word so powerful is that He is the force behind it. He can perform what he says, while others can just blather on about their opinions.

In the beginning, God spoke and so it became. When He put the second heaven and earth back in working order He again spoke, and so it became. That’s power! It takes immense power to create, to raise the dead to life again, to get someone born of the spirit of God.

The Lord Jesus built his ministry on, “It is written.” He showed men what many had forgotten. He staked his life that God would perform His Word; even His promise to raise him from the dead.

At one time in our history we went through the dark ages because we lost God’s Word. The Reformation came about when men found it and once again believed it. When we speak God’s Word it has the power to turn men from darkness to light.

God’s Word is true and faithful dearly beloved. You cannot separate God from His Word. He is His Word! You are standing in the presence of the Living God whenever you hear His Word; you cannot get any closer to Him. Do not take it for granted.

The adversary constantly belittles the Word of God because He knows its power. We should be as convinced of it as he is.

God’s Word is true and faithful and nothing can stop Him from bringing every jot and tittle of it to pass.

Whether written, spoken, taught or ministered, God’s Word is alive and powerful and sharper than any double-edged sword. It can penetrate the heart and separate matters pertaining to the soul and the spirit. It can even discern between the thoughts and the intentions of the heart. It is the standard by which all else will be judged.

To take the Word of God for granted, or to underestimate its importance and power, one would at the very least would have to be asleep at the switch spiritually.

Beloved, revival occurs when the Word of God becomes living and real to those who hear it. Never stop speaking God’s Word! What’s in your mouth?